Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Did the EU not fuck up with the contracts though in that the UK had contractual obligations that vaccines produced in the UK would be secured for the UK? The US did this as well whereas the EU were very naive in this regard.

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My auld lad got the nod to be vaccinated at very short notice this evening.

Fair play to the HSE and Minister Donnelly for the smooth vaccination rollout programme.


Is it possible to give a post half a like?

I like the first sentence, not so much the second.

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Seems to be the way for a lot of people. I suppose they are supposed to be at home doing fuck all anyway. Would be one way to stop people being disappointed. Don’t tell em

The wans working in the dentist in NCW got a call yesterday evening at half 4 telling them they could get their vaccine at half 7 if they wanted it.

Old pair got the 2nd Moderna jab yesterday. The mother tired and running a bit of a temperature today. The old lad gasping for a pint.

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Its like All Ireland week, no one has tickets on Tuesday but a few phone calls and everyone is sorted by Thursday evening


It’s a positive as well that so many non at risk people have been vaccinated so far. We should have a good % of all ages with one shot in the next 6 weeks which will cut transmission.

I have a feeling people are going to be in for an awful shock in 6 months time when 90% of the population is vaccinated and the country still won’t be opened up.

If the country keeps relying on PCR positive case numbers and the vaccines which their manufacturers admit don’t provide immunity or stop transmission…surely we’re going to be in the same scenario next winter.

Its not like ICU numbers or overwhelming the health service is justification for lockdowns anymore on its own.

Hopefully Nphet or FFG are told to fuck off before that, have my doubts though.


When you have a fluctuating number of between 20-60% of people (from a survey sample of over 2,000) of the view that there should be more restrictions, you know you’re dealing with a bigger problem.

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Its genuinely going to be very interesting to see where we are in 6-12 months time.

I’d happily love to have egg on my face over my post above.

We need to vaccinate the stealth bombers on playdates too

What is it you think the vaccines are doing if they don’t build immunity to Covid?

We’ll hardly get near 90%. In any case we’d be better off need prepping ourselves for the vulnerable groups to get their annual shot next year rather than worrying about vaccinating people under 40.

I think masks and a measure of social distancing of some form or another and always there being potential for imposition of restrictions are here to stay for foreseeable future.

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Do the manufacturers claim they provide immunity from Covid mate?