Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

They’re expecting a delivery of 175k doses from AZ on the last day of March so they’ll be given out in April anyway.

For the total doses administered at the end of Q1 I’m going with under/over 870,000.5


Seems about right. Tomorrow’s reporting of Tuesday’s numbers will tell a lot in what number is given out.

They missed out on 30k last week due to the AZ suspension. They say them 30k will be done over this week and next week.

We’re reduced to the GAA equivalent of “laaaave it in long” with the vaccines - ‘just lash them out.’ :smile:

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This is why people are worried and have no faith in the HSE. It’s meant to be ramping up to 250k per week in the next few weeks. The most they have done so far is about 100k and they say it will take them 2 weeks to catch up on a 30k shortfall?

Deary me.


You’d assume we’d be hitting record days so.

I’d you’re the government the visuals and soundbites you want over the next 12 days are;

  1. record jabs administered on a couple of days this week
  2. huge Pfizer delivery and visuals of the mass vaccination centres in operation Tuesday/Wednesday next
  3. reporting of those numbers over the Easter weekend
  4. relaxation of some restrictions following the Easter bank holiday which will cover up for likely lacklustre administration days

If they can get that the narrative will be positive going into April when we should be getting into 200k+ weeks and everyone will know people daily going off to get one.

It does look like the mass vaccination centres are getting up and running though. That’ll be the big part in getting them out in those numbers in a couple of weeks time.

I’ll tell you what I think they’re doing. They’re breeding highly infectious variants.

Between Good Friday and Easter Monday a significant reduction in jabs should be factored in for those days as Bridie enjoys her long weekend.

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Could probably include the Thursday and Tuesday as well

Still to this day Coventry city’s record sale

The next week is critical really.

What’s the critical mass of vaccinations before people think fuck this and get on with their lives

She’ll knock off early on Thursday so she can unwind properly.

She better not be mixing over Easter

Israel’s rollout seems to have completely lost momentum in the past week or so. Now trundling along at a much slower pace so it would seem that more or less anyone that wants a vaccine have probably had their first vaccine by now at least

At the minute they have 9.8m doses given for a population of 9m.

Now according to this they seem to have an extremely high youth population

0-14 year olds making up around 28% of the population. Would that seem right @mickee321? Looks very high.

So for under 18 I will estimate maybe 33% of the entire population?

So in that case you probably have more or less 80% of the adult population done at this point. Be interesting if they have any setbacks in terms of case numbers from here on in.

It seems to be fizzling out in Israel.

Israel is down to less than 500 cases a day from a high of 10,000 a day in January and about 10 deaths a day from a high of 100 deaths a day in January. The UK and US are heading in the same direction. I think we can safely say the vaccine is working when we compare to countries lagging on vaccination.

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Great stuff.

Hopefully they can take the mitts off when it comes to reopening up then when they see the positive impact in other countries.