Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

That’s hugely underwhelming again.

170k vaccines in a fridge as of Sunday which does not include any other vaccines received this week (should be 75-80k Pfizer vaccines in) and probably another 100k Pfizer next week and 100k AZ and 33k Moderna and the most they are planning for is 100k.

It’s embarrassing at this point.

They should be hitting a minimum of 120k this week and the same the following week.

I’d say they will hit 600k in April and then try and use a 5 week figure to push it up to 700k - citing supply issues as the reason. This is the point I think where the rest of Europe will ramp it up and Paddy will be left sitting.

the oft repeated figure of “95% of the vaccine being administered within a week” doesnt really stack up with the figures. I dont follow the media well enough on all of this, but have they ever been challenged on their manipulating numbers?

I also dont understand how 30,000 who missed a vaccine last week will now need to be done over two weeks? Considering they dont plan over a week ahead, surely those people should have been already next in line to take whatever is there and they just keep lashing it out. Why does it take two weeks to get out 30,000 vaccines? Makes zero sense.


A fair amount in fridges

cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

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Yet we are going to be able to administer 250k vaccines in a weeks time.

There comes a point where all the bullshit excuses they trot out end up catching up on them.

I sincerely doubt they have the capability or knowhow to ramp this up as promised in the next few weeks but we’ll see.

At the start of the week they have a 170k vaccines sitting in a fridge. 95% of that brings them to circa 160k. They are targeting 60% of that at most this week. It’s all spin and bullshit and the media don’t seem to bother to question them on it.

The EU are some dopes.

How many vaccines have the US and UK exported?

We’re motoring now boys.


Seems the Brits can write a legal contract better than the fuddy duddies in Brussels.

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When was the last time they said that?

Here’s a dacent and informative yarn

Any vaccine numbers mentioned in it?



The Brits probably has a few proper QCs involved whilst the EU had a central procurement team filled with life long public sector employees. And ones that were shipped off to Brussels out of the way.


There goes the summer.

More problems for EU vaccine rollout

Denmark expecting 450,000 fewer J&J jabs in April, this shortage unlikely confined to that country, previously said it was facing supply issues

Novavax delays signing a contract with EU as its struggling to source some raw materials

The J&J problems have been well flagged.

600k was what Ireland were expecting before June but they said they expected those to be received towards the end of Q2 rather than from the outset.

J&J will pretty much all be directed toward the US until such time as they are sorted and then GB and the EU will get the scraps.

I’d say it will probably be something like 200k J&J before the end of June.

Unless you’re a fantasist like @glasagusban you can forget about Summer 2021.


We’ll be drinking pints before we know it mate. Summer 2021 will be the summer to end all summers. Because we’ll all die from drinking outside the pubs until midnight, but it’ll be totally worth it

That’s bad news alright. We’ll still get all the necessary people done and be able to relax a good bit though I’d say.


A summer like last year is probably the best we can hope for. I don’t even see the UK having that brilliant of a summer either even though they are well on their way. It will be this time next year when things begin to turn in all likelihood. They’ll be wary of seasonal changes after last Christmas.

The Christmas spike wasn’t a seasonal change you silly goose.

Anyway I’m still optimistic. I expect this summer will be much better than last.