Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Donnelly has to go.

I’d say the 6 second doses last Sunday was the straw that broke the camels back. Bridies gin soaked night watching Tommy tiernan is coming back to haunt her.


The HSE are a reverse King Midas. Everything they touch goes to shite

They’ve said that 6 isn’t correct.

Not cpl?

I’ve been thinking about this recently.

It is remarkable that a year in the area is not managed completely by the government. People give out about NPHET but essentially they are facing journalists twice a week on something that they don’t have ultimate responsibility for. Why? Because it suits government for them to take the flack for unpopular decisions and allows the government to distance themselves from it.

Donnelly should be the focal point on this. Elected Minister for Health reporting into democratically elected government. NPHET and NIAC are two committees under him. Press conferences should be lead by Donnelly with input from the committees. The way it is at present is that NIAC is attending press conferences ad hoc and other randomers as well. Also why not have a committee tasked with getting ahead of the curve on this strategically and not have to rely on severe lockdowns all the time?

The CerviCheck scandal pointed to one key thing and that’s the lack of governance in the DOH and the HSE. That’s still the case in the biggest crisis of all simply because it suits the government to distance themselves from it.


Part of the CPL group

Quelle surprise- Jennifer will be happy. They did a great job ‘recruiting’ volunteers in the first wave.

they do contract tracing too?

I’ve never seen anything like the political cowardice we’ve seen over the last year … from gov and opposition.


CPL Healthcare?

The were recruiting tracers on a contract and people went nuts because they were ‘zero hours contracts’. Champ panicked and recommended hiring another thousand on permanent HSE contracts with all the bells and whistles


I think it’s more like the U.K. are 6 weeks ahead of us but will slow down in the next few weeks and the gap will likely drop to about 4.

The US are about 4 weeks ahead of us currently but are going to charge ahead. US States are going gung ho reopening. Even Democratic and super Covid ones like New York are doing everything to reopen, they’re giving shots to Broadway performers so they’ll be ready to reopen in a couple of weeks.

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Based in Sandyford. I wonder if their execs just happened to be in the vicinity of the Beacon when there was a few spare jabs :thinking:

I cannto understand why this wasnt agreed to once a vaccine was announced?

didi any one hear about a school in Wicklow having all their teachers vaccinated as some of the pupils are children of some hosital big wig?

And then they went off and hired Abtran to do it months later anyway because they couldn’t staff it. The U.K. have admitted that contact tracing was a huge waste of money but we are now throwing more resources at it in a panic. My sense is that if the system broke with 50 cases a day, it will do well not to break at 100 per day still.

And the enhanced contact tracing will must be for a couple of weeks for publicity. They’ll look like they’ve done something productive getting a few more maps out of case spread in April even though half the economy is still closed so it’s far easier.

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There was an interesting article shared on here recently indicating that the countries who’d made a success of tracing like Japan had prioritised investigation into clusters and superspreaders while others, presumably ourselves, had a one size fits all approach.

Yeah our system was a mess. One thing I’d agree with the Zero Covid lot on, our system was basically a box ticking excercise for the HSE. NPHET of course didn’t give a crap about that as they just wanted pubs kept closed.