Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Hopefully Simon Harris can take a break from Tik Tok to answer some questions on what he knew as health minister about these private dossiers.


Somebody has to go

Didn’t you take a vaccine ahead of them too?


The Minister for Emojis Will I’m sure have a perfectly reasonable explanation absolving himself of any possible blame

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I’m pro EU, but they’ve totally fucked up with the AZ deal. The UK held AZ to specific deadlines in their contract with them. The EU contract is underpinned by “good faith”.
Time for Éire to now look outside the EU bubble and seek out vaccines from Uncle Sam or the Russians.

I’m hearing from my sources that the Vaccination Rollout is gonna be outsourced. HSE can’t manage the logistics of it (which will come as no surprise to some)

This crowd (who I won’t name) are being drafted in will organise the distribution of it and take that away from the HSE. Once the over 70s are vaccinated the GPs are stepping back.

Nurses and Army medical staff will be giving out the jabs which will be a similar model to the UK.


Teachers should be front line staff. They’ve already been told their front line and essential in other circumstances, it’s a disgrace really.

Most Civil law countries have that overriding good faith obligation built into their legal system - parties must act in good faith in their commercial dealings and when performing a contract. It means a contract in a civil law country does not have to spell out each and every obligation exhaustively but as we’ve seen here it’s better to do that for clarity

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Ireland to receive 160,000 AstraZeneca doses after Italian discovery

Ireland is to receive approximately 160,000 doses of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine after 29m doses were found in an Italian warehouse, the Irish Examiner understands.

Of the 29m doses discovered, 16m will be split pro-rata between EU member states, with Ireland getting 1%, or 160,000.

Around 13m of the doses are destined for the international Covax scheme, which was set up to ensure that the 92 middle- and lower-income countries that cannot fully afford to pay for Covid-19 vaccines get equal access.

AstraZeneca has said it was “incorrect” to describe the find as a stockpile, stating that the doses were waiting for “quality control” to be completed.

It is understood the decision was made as Taoiseach Micheál Martin held a lengthy meeting on Thursday with EU leaders about improving vaccine supply after months of roadblocks in the European rollout.

EU leaders held virtual talks to discuss supply issues and improving distribution across its 27 member states.

“What was clear was the consensus of the urgent need to increase production and increase the supply of vaccine in quarter two and the importance of the export authorization mechanisms, particularly in the context of AstraZeneca and companies who don’t fulfil their contracts, there is a mechanism there to engage,” Mr Martin said.

The EU has been the most significant producer of vaccines in the global market and the export authorisation mechanism makes that more transparent.

“In the context of companies who fail to fulfil their contract with the EU, leverage is there and has to be there to ensure contracts are fulfilled and that the EU can have certain safety nets in respect of having the necessary vaccine for its own population.”

The EU Council said in a statement tonight: “Accelerating the production, delivery, and deployment of vaccines remains essential and urgent to overcome the crisis. Efforts to this end must be further intensified. We underline the importance of transparency as well as of the use of export authorisations.”

The European Commission said it is working with AstraZeneca and the British government to find a satisfactory way forward after months of issues with supply.

Leaders also discussed the need for solidarity with a small group of member states who were disproportionately reliant on AstraZeneca in their portfolio of vaccines.

The group of leaders also met virtually with US president Joe Biden to discuss ongoing co-operation between the EU and US on vaccines.

It is likely that weekly meetings will now be set up between Thierry Breton, the commissioner for the internal market, and a US envoy to co-operate on vaccine production and supply.

“President Biden gave a strong presentation on renewing and resetting the transatlantic partnership and saying America is all-in in terms of its commitment, and the European Commission and US will work closely together to remove any bottlenecks in the production and delivery of vaccines,” Mr Martin said.

“All in all, a positive intervention by the president and certainly indicating a new era in US-European relationships.”

The meeting continues today.

She’s the product of a German high aristocratic family. Her father was prime minister of one of the Northern German States. As a teenager she was packed off to London to live under a false name because of the threat of kidnap by the Red Army Faction. She ended up as Minister for Defence for Germany but was shimmied off to Brussels because of a corruption scandal. Some fellow called Martin Schulz was pencilled in to be Commission President but there was a switcheroo and Von Der Leyen ended up in the job.

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Schulz was Juncker’s consigliere.

1 back for the Eurocrats

So we should be getting 1.26m vaccines in April? @Copper_pipe why are they only outsourcing now ffs.

Lads just stick together and get the vaccine into as many as possible. Leave the scandals till we are finished.

Usual pride that they know everything and don’t need external advice until BAU starts and realise their project management means people have to start delivering on plans and may actually be accountable for something

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How much army medical staff do we have? 100?

I’m sure Teneo will do a great job.

Not Teneo :wink:

No idea.

About fucking time… The only reason we’ve been in constant lockdown is because of the HSE. It’s the cause of all our woes… That and political cowardice.