Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Tbf, we are much richer than the Brits

That’s fucking outrageous… How the absolute fuck is that his pay? And then you have a rake of managers below him probably drawing down 200k? … It’s sickening.

It’s the end of western civilisation.

Go way you gee bag.

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It’s fucking obscene. I had some dealings with the chippy little cunt when he was in Fingal COCO and I can confirm he is much use as an ashtray on a motorbike.


Is he not a medical professional?

He is in his hole. He’s a professional bulshitter


Civil servants

Keep kicking the cunts up and down the place and they might actually set a tolerable timeline

Did we set aside 26,000 out of 40,000 as a buffer?

"In case there were weather problems or the boats couldn’t sail " according to some one on prime time the other night :grinning:

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I think they were protecting supply for the 2nd dose in case there was delivery issues in the coming weeks. It seems that they have confidence in the supply over the next 2 weeks to drive on and give more people the first dose.

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Surely a one pallet consignment could be flown in?

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I wonder could the private hospitals purchase vaccines. HSE buy them off the private hospitals and the job is oxo.


Vaccinate the lads with top tier health insurance so we can drive the country on

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Mick is still Unfolding the map


It seems the plan is ( for the moment anyway) to keep a buffer of about 40k doses of the vaccine in case there are delivery issues. 40K would be about 1 weeks of vaccines.

All nursing home residents and staff should have received their first dose by the 24th of this month, so they’ll should all have their second dose by the 15th. Which would be 2 weeks ahead of the initial schedule.

Once the first batch of the Moderna vaccine arrives, that should allow for another 10k a week to be vaccinated.

The AZ vaccine could be approved by the end of this month too.

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Jesus Christ, are they sending it by Slatterys coach from London or something?? Weather problems! lolzers, Donnelly is an absolute disgrace of a human being