Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Did I read somebody say they are carrying out 5 times more testing a week now than we were this time 12 months ago?

Yes they are. At least 5 times by my reckoning and up to 7 times.

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What’s the point of being vaccinated?

Sure that must be a colossal waste of money? Couldn’t they use these centres to train people to vaccinate or something?

Theres no point in arguing with you. It’s simple was he in the cohort getting vaccinated or not. If he was move on there is nothing to see here.

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Testing people without symptoms is some waste of time.

How they are getting a free ride on this is beyont me.

They are only doing it to keep their beloved case numbers high.

It’s crazy they are allowed us case numbers to justify restrictions.

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I don’t believe he was and I think he was only done first as he was an Exec of the biggest healthcare insurer.

I think VHI are being extremely economical with the truth. It stinks tbh.

I know people getting treatment for cancer who have been vaccinated. I don’t think the VHI guy is the main story here unless they’ve made up he had a serious illness.


Pfizer delivery arrived in Belgium yesterday. 179,100 doses so I would say the Irish equivalent is around 80-84k


I would make that 1.075m vaccines received into the state by the end of March.

That’s 173k less that was set out in original projections back in February. Pfizer surpassed their target, AZ missed their target by quite significantly and Moderna met their target.

And plenty of people who haven’t as was why the anger was palpable last week, including the lady in her mid 70s who was a patient in the Beacon suffering from Cancer.

So why is a 63 year old who had an illness, is currently able to work getting this vaccine ahead of others who have a greater need?

That’s a failure of the wider system and the mess made of the entire roll out.

Some people with cancer are getting vaccinated.

Why are HSE admin staff being vaccinated ahead of 70 year old cancer patients.

Undoubtedly also a scandal.

Big AZ delivery expected tomorrow. Around 111k


probably the only time you will see VHI and economical in the same sentence

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The optics of getting this delivery a day early is huge!

Are AZ expectant of meeting their Q2 commitments of around 800k vaccines?

Unless Martin drops it into his speech tonight I don’t think we’ll see it mentioned until next week’s delivery schedule update.

When and where is the delivery schedule update. I’d be interested to get some clarity of the variance with Belgium on Pfizer deliveries at present.