Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Updates are usually Wednesday or Thursday.

That’s the most recent one

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They haven’t made up the story in this case. The man in question has been fighting a fairly lethal type of cancer for the past 16 months or so.

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im sure there were others in the beacon who were fighting similar diseases but it was decided to ensure Master Cullen got good calculated grades instead of vaccinating them

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surely its time for the media to start challenging tony and his acolytes.

first question: do you have anything in your arsenal apart from lockdowns?
2nd Question: why havent you factored vaccinations into your risk calculations


It’s pretty low if that is the case.

The Brits seem to have called the 12 week lag between dose 1 and 2 spot on tbf.

Ballsy move and it’s paid off for them.


Yep I can see George Lee leading the charge here.

The Chinese vaccine rollout now seems to be gathering some momentum.

30m+ vaccines on course to be administered this week…

That’s unbelievable

In fairness it’s easy to roll their vaccine out when you can just make up numbers and disappear anybody that questions the figures.


There isn’t a journalist in this country with the balls to challenge this. I’m sure nphets press office will throw them out like the treats given about the questioning on cervical check a few months back

Bold Strategy Cotton GIF by MOODMAN

The journos were told only NPHET approved reporters get access to the press conferences according to yer wan Gabija Gaticavake.

Ewan needs to fly in (complete any required isolation) and storm a press conference


Exactly why would they challenge if they know they will be banned from future press conferences. Its a soft censorship. You’d miss Charlie Bird and vinnie B

And throw a shoe at Glynn

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Charlie and Vin shouldn’t be mentioned in the same sentence.

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Contemporary journalism shouldn’t come near either of them.

Charlie was a whining lickspittle when it mattered. He’s gone a bit bolshy now that he is safely retired.