Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

This week we administered 98% of vaccines received within the same week.

Talk about moving the goalposts. At the start of this week, they have 240k vaccines in storage before they received anything in.

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1.187m as of Sunday evening.

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The PM of Slovakia ordered a load of Sputnik vaccines at his own accord, going against the Department for Health’s advice in a secret deal.

He has signed resigned as PM.

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And the 125788 (We’ll say 125800) doses of Pfizer that arrived on Monday.

What arrived last week.
The HSE were trotting out the “supply is our only constraint” line yesterday when queried about the lack of vaccines administered over the weekend.

There is obviously still no central IT system to validate vaccine recipients either, going by the twitter comments, people are still receiving multiple vaccination appointments based on them being on different lists with different hospitals.

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236k roughly.

196k if you remove the Moderna one which may have came in sometime late Friday/over the weekend.

You can’t blame supply for only doing 5k people on Sunday & Monday so.

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I just don’t get this line in his tweet above.

This week we administered 98% of vaccines received within the same week.

Presumably he’s referring to last week?

They did c130k last week. They received 196k-236k last week. That’s 55-66%, not 98%. Not to mention the 240k they had in stock at the end of the week.


That Moderna one was the previous week though?

For the 29th and 31st deliveries

These are Belgium figures

Which means about 196k for last week. 29th to the 4th

Eggy was on pat Kenny clapping himself on the back earlier and pat was assisting him.
Are these figures you and copper are working off yere own estimates or what? If ye know there are vaccines in stock get on twitter and put it to the likes of gavin Reilly. He will question egg on it then. All joking aside you could actually influence government policy.


Wasn’t recorded in their figures issued.


That’s up to the 26th though?

Brief summary appreciated on the pretend virus. i don’t read the papers or listen or watch rte. What the current status on lockdowns and so on?

It’s a bit of a grey area when it came in.

Even if it’s in the prior week. It still means Reid is talking out of his arse.

If they administered 98% of the vaccines they received last week then they would have done 193k vaccines, they did 130k.

Our own estimates based on the forecasts in other countries.

The Belgium data is the best as it has a dashboard which details every single delivery as it comes in.

The Belgium Department for Health also has a forecast which they update weekly showing the deliveries for the coming weeks. The forecasts for Ireland and Sweden only go by month.

Based on deliveries to date:

Belgium gets 2.13 times more Pfizer doses than Ireland and 2.33 times more AZ and Moderna.

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That along with yer man’s figures on Sweden on prime time are definitely enough to put a bit of pressure on. If you pick a couple of journalists who reply to people on twitter (not ewan :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:) and put it to them publically they will have to chase the government up on it then. They’ll have no choice. You’re basically doing their job for them but it could actually have a real impact.

We are doing their job for them :smiley:

The estimate of 1.187million doses was spot on.


Put the pressure on on twitter though :facepunch::facepunch:you could make reeling in the years yet.

Is this the sort of carry on certain posters were suggesting Mick Martin should be getting up to? (not the resigning bit)

I’ll have to find time to hassle journalists from an anonymous twitter account.