Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’d offer to do it for you but for some reason people of public profile have a tendency to block me.


Start fresh and hold back on the insults (for the duration of the pandemic anyway)

Take a reasonable tone and it can’t fail

It’s not my insults.

I stick to the facts in a very belligerent tone.

@Rocko will surely loan you the official TFK account for this noble purpose

If I can be trusted with the Romanians money, then I can be trusted with anything.

The rollout in the EU continues to be painfully slow.

Another circa 10-11m week on the cards with absolutely no sight of them hitting the levels UK/US are at.

It’s going to ramp up in April.

We’re in April.

940k done in the EU on Monday. About 1m done on Tuesday.

Target failures again and again.

That was tongue in cheek mate


They basically did shag all over the 3 days of the Easter weekend.

Won’t hit any targets until they realise this has to be done flat out 7 days a week.

The GPs are never going to work on the weekend so it’s all about the mass vaccination centres. The Monday figures seem ridiculous

Following on from this tweet.

According to the the @IrelandVaccine twitter account. 17.3% of the eligible population have received a first dose. and 7.1% have got a 2nd dose. ( As of Monday’s figures)

The eligible population the account is using is 3863147.

So 19% of 3863147 would be 733998. Which would mean just under 67k ( 66815) first doses given across Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

For 2nd doses using the same method as above. 8% of the eligible population is 309051 so that would mean 35350 2nd doses given out across Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

So 66815+35350 = 102165 doses across the 3 days.

As the tweet mentions almost the numbers will be a little lower.

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Somebody forgetting to save the shared Excel sheet after inputting a name as vaccinated

I’ll take this opportunity to correct myself here. Figures have since been updated which would show 960k done on Monday and 1.87m done Tuesday. Still no real sign of it ramping up however.

The UK look to be hitting a snag in their vaccines now. Just 380k administered over Monday and Tuesday.

Now though

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About bloody time.

Savij in India must have sorted the spreadsheet for them.

Finally. :+1:

Next week, how many this week?

Waiting to get the daily reporting up and running until they get the numbers up, they aren’t as thick as they seem. You’ve to have a great knack for that sort of stuff to get ahead in the HSE, which is of course why the fucking thing has been run into the ground


I’ll have to set up a new excel graph tracking vaccine deliveries and daily doses administered.