Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

If we say they are going to hit 150k this week and 190k next week and add in the 70k from the April portion of last week. It means they will need to be hitting 450k in the last 12 days of the month to hit their 860k target.

That’s an average of 37.5k per day needed for each of the last 12 days. I think the most they have done so far is slightly north of 30k.

The pressure is on.

The auld lad - early 70’s - got his first Pfizer vaccine this afternoon.

Relieved and happy in equal measure.



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You’ll make a great son-in-law some day.


My auntie, 94, still hasn’t received her first vaccine yet.


Welcome to two months ago

Thats not good enough really. Did you get one or was it someone else I was thinking of?

I got one alright. Mad.

Why is that? I thought everybody in that group was done long before now?

She is house bound. That’s the problem. Not mobile enough to get it in the surgery but not bad enough to be in a nursing home.

In fairness, a lot of the shitshow has to do with the GPs who are a disaster frankly.

I just can’t understand how the HSE/NPHET/government can allow situations like this happen.

At this stage they surely should have a helpline set up for anyone over, say, 80 who hasn’t been vaccinated yet.

Set up one dedicated call centre in each county to cater for those of a certain cohort who have been forgotten/omitted for whatever reason.

Employ a dedicated vaccine team who go around to the housebound/vulnerable in each county and vaccinate them, in the presence of a relative or guardian. It’s not rocket science. You’d fly through the outliers who have not been jabbed yet for whatever reason.


If true that’s absolutely mad.

What’s strikes me as odd, did not one of the staff think, hang on, I shouldn’t be getting vaccinated yet and put a hand up about it?

People should lose their jobs over this.

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The same thing went on in the Ballynanty Resource Centre. Think the Mail or Mirror had a front page splash

Did anything happen that consultant that stole vaccines for their family?

Many people only care about themselves.

I doubt it. I recall she said the head of the hospital gave her permission and maybe they were ones that had to be used up. But here there appears to be an email telling staff to select
the health worker category when they are not health workers. That seems cut and dried.

But not a one of them thought it was wrong? I really find that mental.

That’s the way it’s gone these days.