Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Jesus Christ it’ll never fucking end.

Nobody with an AZ vaccine is likely to have got their second dose yet either so around 200k of those will be used for 2nd doses this quarter.

The conspiracy theorists will have a foothold now too.

The conspiracy theorists will be going to war with the coincidence theorists.

There is no hope anymore. Just permanent nothingness and some zoom calls.

The Over 60s will end up getting their vaccine sooner because of this. Those who were classified as high risk or have underlying conditions won’t be getting AZ which frees up supply for the Over 60s.

There’s a fair bit of logistical planning to be done. They’ll probably keep the cohorts (for the most part) as is but may have not vaccinate in numerical order.

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Over 60s up to what age do you know?

Aren’t over 80s almost done. 90% or so.

So 60-80 I’d say?

Just says over 60s.

Belgium are using it for those over 55, Italy and Spain are using it for those aged 60 or older.

Can I ask, how are you filling your days?
Is there something you could do to busy yourself?
I mean that as kindly as possible, I’d say nearly everybody else has something to get out of bed for or keep the mind from wandering too far all day.
The world carries on, the things you can’t do right now aren’t the be all and end all.

So it’s good news all in all.

Not for you. The vaccine you stole happens to be the one that kills young people.

First dose sooner, fully vaccinated later I think. Due to the 12 week gap between doses.

It’s worse than you can even imagine. Manaus has now taken over from the US and UK as the doomsday scenario where not sticking to lockdowns will ultimately kill everyone. According to scientific research Manaus reached herd immunity in October 2020, 76% had been infected with Covid. They relaxed restrictions because of this and were hit with another wave in January that has killed more than the first wave.

How the fuck did that happen you ask if they had such high levels of immunity. There’s a lot of head scratching going on, but the theories are that the research was wrong (unlikely), that immunity doesn’t last and people got reinfected (rare but happens), or that the new P1 variant can infect people who previously had been infected with the original virus (most likely). It’s a combination of the last two I think.

The answer according to some “experts” is vaccination. But vaccination produces the same immunity as the virus, so if those same people in Manaus had been vaccinated back in summer of last year, they would most likely also have got reinfected, as the immunity doesn’t last and the vaccine isn’t as effective against P1. It is slowly dawning on people that this virus and it’s offspring will be with us for centuries.

We are completely fucked imo, the headbangers have won. We will be still in rolling lockdowns in 2030, panicked over a variant that just emerged in Bora Bora.

We have been robbed of a shot at living.

Fellas in their mid 20’s when this thing started will be staring down the barrel of 30 when its over.

Hes been in a nawful way throughout this thing. I truly hope no one in paying him any attention.

Lads, you’se all need to relax. You’ll do yourselves an injury.

Manaus is an interesting one, but seems to be a bit of an outlier. You’d have to wonder if there was some flaw in the antibody testing. If it is true indication of herd immunity, or lack thereof, then we truly are fucked.
