Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Will we run out of fridges? A crisis like our ventilator shortage last year

Publicans can donate their fridges in the national interest


Chair of NIAC was on Morning Ireland earlier. Her assertion was that an incidence of lower platelets causing clotting of 4 in 1 million was a very high risk to general population and that 1 in 1 million dying from this side effect is a risk they couldn’t take. How they square that risk of people actually dying from Covid in anyone under 60 is beyond me. The risk must be miniscule or else the decision is taken to protect the decision maker NIAC and a fear of litigation and high court cases/settlements down the line.


So five to six people dying the whole country is an unacceptable risk?

Monday - Sunday = 122333

Close enough :slight_smile:


1 suspected case of blood clotting in Ireland so far from 235k doses.


Shut it down. Shut it down now.

My vaccine today has been cancelled. A heap of lads from work already got them.

They’re onto you

I was bollixed yesterday after working the weekend so put it off till today.

At least I’ll be the only one at work without a blood clot

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I think it would nearly be lower than that. Irelands adult population is roughly 3.7m people. I am open to correction here but if say 20% of them were to receive the Astra Zeneca vaccine (based on deliveries to date) that would be 740,000 people so there would be a chance no one would die from getting this vaccine.

Thats a chance our Health Service arent willing to take I’m afraid.

You see the risk of the AZ vaccine to u40s is probably not far off the risk of Covid. U40s may or may not get Covid.

Why they feel the need to coerce or force the whole population in to getting the vaccine is a big issue that nobody in the public eye seems willing to question.

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The AZ vaccine is esentially worthless now in the Irish rollout.

They have a very small population left that can be vaccinated with it and it takes between 2-3 months to complete the full course of vaccinations. Should they just keep the stock they have to administer 2nd doses and donate the rest to 3rd world countries?

Leave the 3rd world lads deal with the blood clots


You would hope the media would flesh these statistics out a bit and ask some pertinent questions given the likelihood of a glacial pivot away to vaccinating 500,000 people over the age of 60 that will further delay any reopening of our society. However I think they will quite happily juxtapose the UK and Irish quality of life for the next while with a helping of popcorn. Interestingly NPHET now are not as focused on parameters in real terms now like hospital admissions, ICU occupancy and daily cases but more focused on hypothetical worst case scenarios and projections.


But there is a chance so we must stop everything. The nphet way

Surely anyone under 60 that wants to roll the dice should be allowed get the AZ?


The parameters no longer suit them

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They’re happy to leave people on trolleys though.