Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I did call it months back tbf.

The US decision is probably calculated though as supplies were down 88% this week due to that cock up in the Baltimore factory. Probably as good a time to halt it until they can build up their supplies again.


It’s like when Jarry said that the SF leadership with consult with the Army Council


Ah bollox.

Is J & J vaccine same technology as AZ vaccine ?

The J&J decision to halt this in the US is no coincidence. They are allowing this to build up a supply buffer on it again.

6 occurrences in 7 million jabs.

All blood clots women between 18 and 48.

It’ll be lads on tour and women trapped at home

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I have always had a gut feeling deep down that we have been forever doomed since Day 1 of this sorry mess.



I think it all stems from the Government. They push it out to NPHET and so starts the ball rolling of self interest protection.

If 10 people die of clots after AZ is not restricted, and 50 people die from cancer treatments being curtailed, people not going to hospital with heart attacks or strokes, suicides due to lockdown even, which is NIAC or NPHET going to be more on the hook for?


Why should that stop at AZ vaccine deaths?

Look at the amount of people who have died due to lockdowns and restrictions to fight Covid.

The AZ vaccine is probably as much a threat to a healthy and fit young person as Covid itself.

I’m blaming those who sold vaccines as the way out of this.

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We are completely goosed.

Ok I’ll calm down. Thanks @Copper_pipe .

I’d say because it would be much easier to establish causation in the case of a vaccine. I don’t disagree with the thrust of your point though.

It doesn’t matter if it’s one in a seven billion. It’s going to be another delay.

People have been brainwashed.

Probably About one percent of under 65s should be getting a vaccine.

People genuinely think the vaccine is some sort of answer. It’s just a way for big pharma companies to make millions.

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It’s just not going to end.

We were fed a narrative last year that once we had the vaccines that would take us back to normality.

Then the vaccines were announced, we were told they were wonderful and safe and science was heralded as our saviour but at the same time we were told that the vaccines alone would not return us to normality.

Now we’re finding out that these vaccines may not be as safe or wonderful as was being made out.

We just have to learn to live with Covid. Unfortunately by the time that realisation comes there will probably have been 2/3 years in a bunker.


The contraceptive pill causes blood clots. There may be advice not to give certain vaccines to women on the pill. How long that will take who knows.

Out of every 10,000 women taking birth control pills , 3 to 9 of them will develop a blood clot . Out of every 10,000 women who are not pregnant and who do not use birth control pills , 1 to 5 of them will develop a blood clot . Out of every 10,000 pregnant women, 5 to 20 of them will develop a blood clot .

I wouldn’t be an expert but I believe these vaccine clots are a much more serious class of blood clot which typically cause death by brain haemorrhage in younger people. It’s a fairly poor outcome from a vaccination for an 18 year old to die of a brain haemorrhage.


Is it possible Gemma was right all along