Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

It’s odd because you’re usually such an optimistic chappie

Any update on curevac at all? It was supposed to be coming on stream around June I think.

I read last week that they could be approved in May.

I see the government are saying it’s logistical nightmare now the Astra Vaccine is cancelled. It’s hardly that complicated.

80% of adults done by the end of June and 60% of adults fully vaccinated by then is absolute fairytale stuff.

If we’re well behind most of the EU the government should fall


In which case we’re fucked, if the bar to opening society is vaccinating everybody

Give it a few weeks and they almost certainly will be.

The EU on avg saw a 43% rise in the number of vaccines per population administered last week. Ireland saw a 2% fall. Now that supply is no longer a constraint they are being found out.

There is not strategy, there is no contingency, there is no logic.

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The issue here is that this was well flagged. Once the cases were uncovered in Norway - probably 4/5 weeks back now? Contingencies should have been put in place, they weren’t.

There’s a few issues at play here but the most frightening one is that fit and healthy people under 65 should believe the vaccine is the only answer to our problems.

They have been brainwashed.

I don’t get why this a problem tbh. Apart from the fact that it seems fairly unscientific.
Just get on with the 60 to 70s while they figure it out. It was going to take them 3 or 4 weeks at least to get through them anyway. They were opening the booking system for them this week. So just do all of them with AZ.
The public seem to be finally cracking. Took them long enough

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Going by this there are close to 500k in the 60-69 bracket.

We’ll say 80k of them have received a vaccine already due to other issues - FLHCW, compromised, in nursing homes etc.

That means you have close to 400k needing to be vaccinated. 120k AZ doses are currently sitting in a fridge. They should have the majority of over 60s with the first vaccine doses by the end of April and absolutely no excuses should be allowed for failure to reach that.

They need to either get on with it, or get off the fucking stage and let us get on with it


They just need to get on with it now. cc @Tassotti

Cohort 1 and 3 should pretty much comprise of everyone 70+.

The 70+ population is 496k roughly.

427k have received their first dose in Cohort 1 and 3 with 218k fully vaccinated.

There is no reason not be going full steam ahead on the over 60s this instant with whatever AZ vaccines are on standby.

No lad it’s a logistical nightmare and we need to have another transition week.


Spike could manage the vaccine admin just as expertly as he handled the tickets for the AI final in 2018.

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I still find NPHET problematic overall but I’d take Glynn over Holohan any day.

Glynns a cunt.