Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Moderna figures for Belgium are in

For Ireland that should mean the following between now and the end of June. Figures rounded.


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Around 145k AZ vaccines in a fridge as of Sunday evening.

They have enough AZ vaccines in stock to do the whole 66-69 year old cohort this week. So why won’t they?

You see that’s the issue right now. They had 50k registered alone by Friday I think. They should be getting all the 65-69 cohort done and dusted with their first dose this week.

How much of the Pfizer and Moderna in the fridge?

Is some of the cohort in the tweet for AZ second doses?

As of yesterday morning:

Pfizer - 100k
Moderna - 91k

I also did this on the AZ vaccine. If going with a 12 week spacing for AZ then the 2nd doses should not be kicking in until the week ending 9th May.


Currently 145k AZ in a fridge with roughly 170k more due in before the close of April. So you basically have >300k of AZ to play with before the end of the month. That should be enough to get the vast, vast majority of 60-69s with their first dose by close of April if it is made a priority.

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And the mother (68) got the call up for Thursday after registering last Friday. :beers::beers::beers:

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That’s about 50% of the adult population.

That is some pointless graphic. “Commenced” no sign of an end date. Literally everything now is how can we make this look better than it is.

In terms of fully vaccinating the cohorts it looks like the following:

Cohort 1 - 92% complete
Cohort 2 - 70% complete
Cohort 3 - 58% complete
Cohort 4 - 19% complete

I reckon once you’re at ~90% you are realistically done with a cohort.

In terms of first doses: (no giggling here)

Cohort 1 - 103% complete
Cohort 2 - 101% complete
Cohort 3 - 82% complete
Cohort 4 - 38% complete

The vaccines thieves obviously coded in the first two cohorts.

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Forget about the summer lads :joy::joy:

Glas stole a vaccine so he could scoot off this summer. A pity he will have nobody to travel with.

About 1.538 million doses received into the country as of now with about 208k more due in this week.

“ Of 37 vaccination centres planned, 19 are operating and this will increase to 26 over the remainder of this week. “

From the IT this morning. Only half the vaccination centres even open (let alone going through their gradual ramp-up). Surely that isn’t the plan. If the bulk of vaccination is to be done in the next 10 weeks surely the plan would be for them all to be up and running?

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883 doses on Sunday :neutral_face:

Total for last week 135898

And not a murmur in the media

And they 100s of thousands of vaccines in fridges