Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’d say they got a savage amount done today

This is the tipping point now. There simply has to be a major ramp up in the next two weeks to 200k plus a week or we’ll be miles behind.

I’ll update my magic numbers when I get into the office tomorrow but the signs were ominous Friday evening from an Irish perspective.

If they get motoring the backlog can be made up in a few days. Haven’t seen any sign of it so far though. The end of May target to get all over 60s done is very uninspiring

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About 24 or 25k done over the weekend I’d say.

I reckon that there is about 339k doses due to arrive in the week beginning April 26th. Up from 208k for the coming week.

Apologies for the delay on this @peddlerscross

I’m setting the line for the Month of April at 685000.5


What was the target and how recently was that stated?

Possibly as important as the monthy total is the weekly run-rate that they leave with ie does it suggest May target is still on

860k a week or so back.

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Was it a boy or child you had?

The big red flag waving for me is the fact they say it will take until the end of May to get the over 60s done with their first dose

There is enough AZ stock there at present to make a huge dent in that this week, all the over 65s should be done by the end of the week by right (but won’t).

And this is working off the same portal that every other age category gets booked under.

860k doses administered was the initial target for April. Obviously before any of the issues with AZ and J&J.

I reckon up to last night they will have done around 347k for April. 140k to 160k is the target for this week. So we’ll be positive and assume they get the 160k. That takes us up to about 507k with 5 weekdays left. 685k is a push but if he J&J gets the nod and Pfizer doses are spread out they might get near it. With 208k doses to arrive in this week and 339k doses due in next week they’ll have no excuses left.

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I don’t think the J&J would really have impacted things much. The only leeway you could give them on AZ was the 40k missed the week just gone. They were going to miss their target irrespective on the AZ and J&J problems anyway.

I just can’t understand how only 160k (max) are scheduled for this week.

134563 for Monday to Saturday

Mother-in-law (69 years old since January) got a call or text or something yesterday and appointment made for this Wednesday. She had registered on Thursday so a relatively decent turnaround.


I really can’t see what they are waiting for on the Pfizer change tbh. It’s a no brainer

81,600 AZ vaccines arrived in Belgium yesterday. Irish equivalent of 35k.

cc @Copper_pipe

I was about to post the same and cc you :slight_smile:


He was quoting Del Boy yesterday. He who dares Rodney