Vaccine Numbers Log Thread


What does that effectively mean?

Goosed for them?

They’ll have to update the side effects for the vaccine and benefits outweigh the risks.

I’d imagine NIAC will wait for another country to make its move before offering guidance on the use of the vaccine.

I’ve called for this back in September give fit healthy people the placebo

I think it’s fucked really.

The AZ has basically a very limited role once the 60-69s are done. Who are J&J then going to do then?

Unless they bring in some form of waiver or consent form for AZ and J&J then I think you can forget about them having any real input in the vaccine rollout.

They are a joke. As well tell them to get tae fuck.

Christ they are useless. Stick the J&J in for AZ and tell them to fuck off

I’ll have to open a book on whether it’s actually 165k we get.

Got the call today from the doctor


Revised total for the week approx. 173k


Try September.


The missus rang up this morning to register for the vaccine. They told her to turn up tomorrow. Her cohort are supposed to be done second half of May. Either the supply has improved remarkably or else the coffin dodgers are not turning up for their shots in April. The ones we were supposed to protect with lockdowns.

Thinly veiled ‘My missus is a cougar’


It’s actually gas the way people are buying every excuse the govt give with the regards to the vaccine rollout failure.

They are now citing the AZ supply as a challenge. They have only recently limited the AZ use and have about 145k spare AZ vaccines sitting in a fridge. The AZ supply issue makes diddly squat of an impact to them hitting their April target.

Up to the 18th April they had 339,792 vaccines doses given out which means they have a shortfall of 520,208 to meet the April target. They have effectively 12 days to do that which would mean an avg of 43,351 per day (not gonna happen).

As of the close of the 18th they probably would have had around ~350k doses sitting in a fridge. A big order of Pfizer was received either Monday or Tuesday which would be around 130-150k, another order is due from Moderna before the end of the week in the region of 37k. Even taking out the J&J supplies, that should be enough to meet their April target and a further >300k is likely to come into the country before the close of the month too.

The issue is not supply, it is the planning and implementation of the rollout. It has been shambolic and an unmitigated failure.

I’m going to put an estimated of vaccines sitting in a fridge to increase to around 500k at the close of the w/e 2nd May. 500k vaccines sitting pretty in a fridge and nobody in the media bothering to question the gov/HSE when they keep referencing supply issues as the reason for missed targets.



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You’re an awful man

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They are not wearing the green Jersey. It’s all the young people’s fault

Monday 8309

The total jabs is up 14235 which includes the Monday figure and upward revisions from previous days.