Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

If you’ve ever watched the press conferences it’s easy to know why no journalist has taken them to task on it. They are mainly all thick as pig shit, and those that aren’t are in cushy jobs and won’t rock the boat. They struggle to grasp very basic statistics.


An absolute disgrace.

I was reading there that Bhutan basically vaccinated it’s whole population with the first shot in two weeks. Fucking Bhutan like and the place a giant mountain


Uruguay have done 1.4m in 6 weeks.

@Copper_pipe , how are we looking for this?

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I think @glasagusban is clambering to be Leo’s chauffeur when he gets into the Aras.

He’s done a fair U-turn lately anyway

Páirc Uí Caoimh wasnt open Saturday anyway but was all sign posted and looked like it was geared up from the outside at least

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I thought Mark Coughlan was good when he attended last year, some of the others couldnt even grasp cumulative data but I haven’t actually watched the briefings in ages.


CC @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

About 126340 for Ireland

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I’d say more? Didn’t Ireland get 135k from 267k in Belgium last time out?

Yeah it was. May have to update the factor. Grrrr


Have last week’s deliveries being confirmed?

Think they have 267k in two weeks in succession in Belgium and 135k was recorded in Ireland for the first week. Be interesting to see if that held up the second week?

Working backward from this:


Week 1
Belgium 267,930
Ireland 135,720

Week 2
Belgium 267,930
Ireland 136,890

Are the J&J still being sent or has that been stalled as well. I wonder that the fuck they’ll do with them.

Another batch due next week. Probably in the region of 30-40k.

They might be ideal for these housebound people. Only have to get them the wance

The EU did 17.86m last week. It’s a solid improvement but if you were to compare it to the US rollout and do it relative to population then it’s only a little over half of what the US are currently doing.

The US did 22.36m last week. Relative to populations the equivalent for the EU would need to be around 30m.

Think the EU has to start hitting >20m in the next 3 weeks.

Nice usage of the Superleague colour scheme there.

Not yet.

Come help fight in our national emergency against this killer pandemic. Weekends off