Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

The figures yesterday suggest no Moderna delivered in Week 14 or Week 15.

Latest ECDC report has Ireland down for 34800 of Moderna received in Week 15 and 0 in Week 14

I wouldn’t be too bothered about lengthening the shots. I could only see the logic of it if supply was an issue. Supply is clearly not an issue. There’s no need to tinker when the vaccination strategy, there is an urgent need for them to deliver on their strategy.

I made the point last week, 145k AZ vaccines sitting in a fridge. No second doses needed until the week ending 9th May. Every 65-69 who applied on the portal should have been booked in for a jab this week, zero excuses on it. The vaccines are their, the capacity with mass vaccination centres is there. But are they underresourced with vaccinators? It’s clear they are incapable of ramping up the rollout at present. It’s shambolic.

Very interested to see if there will be an uptick in cases following the socialising of last few weeks. Friends in ealing reconed it was a free for all in the beer gardens there. Be great if the numbers stay flat.

I presume they’ll knock off early on the Friday of the bank holiday and maybe start rolling the Tuesday after. Maybe another transition week.

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Wtf? There is only a pandemic for the plebs.

This is the kind of bollock acting that will properly set us back.

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I worked out previously that we needed 4.7m/4.8m to get to 80% with one shot and 60% fully done.

That looked impossible based on 3m done to the end of May.

Aka they are waiting for others to make a call

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George Lee on the radio thre imploring Nphet to be more cautious re J&J

What frustrates me is that there is no clamber from media or even the opposition to blow apart the smoke and mirrors Govt are putting forward re the vaccination rollout failure. These are internal failings, nothing to do with supply and paused vaccines.

Next week. FFS. No panic lads. Why the cunts have to review it all when the EMA have reviewed it is beyond me.

They have only have 14k J&J vaccines anyway so it’s a non issue. The primary issue is wtf is taking them so long to get the 65-69 year olds done with a first dose when they have 145k AZ vaccines sitting in a fridge.

WTF is the story with Moderna having 112% of vaccines sitting in a fridge when they only need to keep 50% reserve in stock for second doses.

NPHET waited a year before issuing guidance on antigen tests, and we still don’t have widespread use of them. This group is drawn from the same pool, this kind of shit really frustrated me. Fucking accept the responsibility and do your job.

I’m honestly beginning to think most of these fuckers - NIAC, NPHET, HSE, government - are happy to prolong this lockdown and pandemic as long as they possibly can.

Decision to be made on J & J vaccine? Ah shur lookit, we’ll get round to that next week.

Less than 200 in hospital in the country with covid? Grand, we’ll wait until cabinet meet next Thursday so make decisions about re-opening. Those businesses that are closed can remain in limbo until then.

All these bluffers on huge salaries and none of them willing to make a decision.



But the only thing is, we had a head start on them and were high up the table, if thats the metric we want to go by, so the fact that in the “ramp up phase” they are all passing us out, means they are doing far more than us at the moment, so if you go by the projections, we are not keeping pace with Europe at all, we are going much slower.


NIAC are NPHET - the bastards meet every day, what’s the hold up here?.. It’s been amazing how in all facets of life we’re in a pandemic, except when it comes to rolling out the medicine to save people, then we’re held hostage to civil service working hours and health officials’ scheduling .


How did we have a headstart? We didn’t have a headstart, everyone had the same start.

You can discount the first four in the table and after that we are about mid-table with fuck all of a difference really between us and those ahead of us.

You had a head start robbing vaccines you cunt.