Vaccine Numbers Log Thread


whats the numbers for vaccines delivered vs vaccines administered to date?

Obviously you can discount the first four, after that the differences are pretty miniscule. Again, the differences will be wiped out once we got big numbers, which should happen from here on in.

As of Tuesday evening I think it was 1.24m vaccines given.

And ~1.7m vaccines sitting in a fridge.

So 460k sitting in a fridge estimating ~140k Pfizer vaccines received Monday/Tuesday.

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Austria was way behind, they made the decision to stretch the time difference between doses because they had to, now they’re ahead.

Should we do that?

I actually don’t think we should. We are in a good place in relation to prevalence so it’s not an urgent need. It would only lengthen the time period to complete the programme overall and give our boffins a reason to further delay a return to normal.

Stretching the time gap should not change the no of vaccines administered just the balance of them between 1st and 2nd dose.

Conflated argument.

Over/under for the end of April?

I’m gonna go with 1.55m.

That’s 310k or so over the course of 10 days.

They’ll need the first 250k week to be next week.

I’m going to go with 620k for April.

I mean total.

What have we done so far in April based on Tuesday’s numbers that are just out?

Around 376k up to Tuesday.

So 244k needed from 21st to 30th to hit 620k.

That’s an avg of 24.4k per day needed.

I guess it depends what way they go with J&J. The AZ delay doesn’t help but there should be over 1.9m delivered by the end of next week. No excuse not to have 1.5m out there.

Of course I do. D/Health is a shit show of an operation and in general the spin and messaging out of them is untrustworthy. We’ve made a meal out of the safety concerns too, I think that some countries didn’t even pause.

I’m not saying we’ve been good. But the differences are miniscule. I don’t think there will not be much difference in time between us and most of the EU hitting 80% of the population.

We really need them not to fuck us on the J&J as well. At least allow anyone over 50 get it

You can’t trust Holohan


Varadkar was clever in his comments on it. Something to the effect of “we hope NIAC decide that it’s safe because we need that one”. Their recommendation on AZ was bullshit.

Another factor that’s come back into the mix that could fuck things up. I forgot about that.

He’s already pulling up the handbrake on the positive news

Pfizer alone will have supplied >3.3m by the end of June. Moderna another 500k with AZ probably having close to 600k at that point minimum. You’d expect the AZ figure to be higher than that and J&J also in the equation.

4m should be the absolute minimum administered by the end of June. The absolute minimum.

80% would be possible with 4.3m administered and lengthening Pfizer to 6 then I’d say, so long as J&J shots are 500k of those. Half of that fully vaxxed.

Do other countries vaccinate on weekends?

It’s no wonder the health service is a shambles when it’s run on a Monday to Friday basis.

The media briefings have suddenly turned downbeat.

In better news it looks all over in UK as a serious illness.