Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Took the missus down to Prokocim hospital this evening to get the first shot. There was the usual confusion about where the queue starts and people hanging around in the corridor. Then after a while an army guy comes out and starts asking people how old they are. “41, 33, 37 etc”. Turns out they had turned up on spec to see if they could get a spare vaccine. So he starts taking them in order of seniority to get shots.

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The US doesn’t fuck around when something is an emergency

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Anyone know ballpark how many vaccines are stuck in a fridge?

Like that scene in Schindler’s List where Mengele walks the line asking “how old are you mother?”

It seems that a lot of countries are using J&J for over 60s only. Since we recommended over 60s only for AZ then presumably we’re going to get the same recommendation from NIAC on J&J. Government have already said that if J&J is limited to over 60s then we won’t be able to meet the June target. That’s the thing fucked then.

An approval for another vaccine and big delivery of them would be good around about now.

It would be great but it’s not going to happen. NIAC is a particularly good example of all that is wrong in governing by committee. Common sense and pragmatism goes out the window.

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You could have saved yourself a lot of time conceding to @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy weeks ago.


Why not just instruct all other companies to use the Pfizer formula? Problem solved

I don’t know enough about it but at the same time surely we could give it to over 50s at least.

Unfortunately we’re hamstrung now because they’ve said AZ for over 60s only and it seems a few other countries are saying the same for J&J.

Hard to see how our crowd do any different now.

That’s a strange statement given that Gov had not planned to receive most of the J&J until the end of June.

It’s just another curveball they have thrown to excuse their shambolic vaccine rollout.

Who would instruct them? Mickie Dee?

Someone from Pfizer, maybe one of the duty managers or something

Supposed to have 600k of it by the end of June, right? Looks like it would put a serious dent in the plans alright.

Over 400k of it due in June, most of it probably toward the end of the month.

Do you think they are capable of getting 2m doses done in June, when they will barely struggle to administer 600k in April?

I’m sure you won’t accept this of course, but there’s been a lot of changes and disruption over the month of April.

I don’t think we were ever targeting to hit 2m a month were we? So I’d say it’s unlikely in fairness.

I’d definitely say that if j&j is for over 60s only it’s obviously a big problem. Don’t you think?

Like what?

The AZ vaccine? We have 145k in stock. They have decided to do limit its use to the 60-69s. We’ll say 100k registered on the portal last week. Why aren’t they all being done this week? This is either an emergency or it’s not.

I don’t know if they were meant to be hitting 2 million a month but they were meant to be hitting 1m this month, then it was 860k, it will most likely be a little over 600k and that’s not even certain.

They don’t seem to be very good at managing problems, at forward planning, at having contingencies in place.

The supply has ramped up and the pace in administering vaccines has stayed fairly static. The number of vaccines sitting in a fridge has grown exponentially on a weekly basis however.

I think the biggest problem at the minute is the failure to even get close to hitting 200k a week when they’ve had supplies for a number of weeks now to be hitting that target.

In fairness to NIAC, they made a recommendation initially on AZ and Holohan rode roughshot over it

We are seeing the worst elements of the civil servants in action on Covid of late

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What was there original recommdation? Wasn’t it give AZ to over 60 where possible but it could also be given to everyone else as well?

Be something else if they said the same for J&J and Holohan did the same again.

Exactly. If he pulls a similar stunt again his advice has to be rejected.