Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’m minded to think of Alexander any time I see Boris - he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.


He’ll be a proud man when they’ve a full Wembley behind Southgate’s boys against the German’s in the last 16 of the Euro’s.

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Even @Lazarus sees the error of his ways and is fully behind Boris.


For all his faults Boris is a statesman.

Look at our wimpish leaders in comparison, more concerned with Twitter likes than getting people back to work & re-opening society.


You won’t catch Boris dancing down the stairs in Downing Street


You’re thinking of Klopp

Boris is a risk taker

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He who dares, wins. He learnt that from his days as a commander in the SAS


The sexual assault service?

I was blind
Now I can see
Bojo made a believer
Out of me

While we’ll be allowed have 200 people in the gaelic grounds for a club hurling match

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Including players and mentors no less

Approved for use in those 18+ and a warning to be added to the label.

With another 150 lying in bodybags in the temporary morgue in the dressing room

More bad news for NPHETHSENIACDoH. We literally have vaccines coming out our arses.

Wait till Tuesday and they’ll start lobbing them into arms

Lash it out

Can confirm my arm is now, officially, sore


That sounds very dangerous mate. These vaccines were produced very fast and we don’t know their long term impact yet.

Maybe you should go to A&E?