Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Saw it off before it kills you

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Father, 65, registered last Monday. Getting his shot tomorrow.

MIL, 66, registered last Sunday, got her shot yesterday.

Are we approaching the ‘ramp up’??

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IT reporting this morning a big load of AZ on the way too.

We did 40k in a day y’day. If that can be sustained over 7 days/week we’ll be back on track surely (I appreciate that’s a big if)

Someone bump the great vindication thread for @glasagusban

A friends parents were both booked in for their jab at 10am this morning.

They got a call at half 7 to check if they were still coming for it.

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It could be the greatest turn around in the history of the forum

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And to 41k to be added for yesterday.

Serious effeciency

You have cemented your place as the top poster on this site with your reporting on this. Clear, factual, informative :clap::clap::clap::clap:


Would be ever hit a 50k day do you think?

I think the safest thing to do is phone in sick to work and go have a take away pint in the sun

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I think a few of the MVC are yet to open so there should be some capacity to do more… Whether that’s 10k more I’m not sure.

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Better to focus on consistently getting 35 to 40k 7 days a week anyway than one off days of 50k

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The 60-69 year olds have hit the sweet spot with oceans of the AZ available they seem to be flying through them. On the other hand the ould lad 72 is still waiting doesn’t help that like myself he doesn’t have a GP and had to register with the HSE and keeps ringing them and emailing them but still nothing yet.

Threaten Joe Duffy and he’ll have a time slot within a few hours


Bit mad that a man of 72 hasn’t a GP?

Could he not just call a local GP and explain the situation and get an appointment that way?

No I think we’re going to have to cancel the whole programme. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy and @gaillimhmick were right, @Batigol has A SORE ARM!!!

The only reason you need to go to a doctor if there’s a need surely? Maybe he’s a man who has been blessed with good health?

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Never been sick since he was a child I’m the same touch wood I’m almost 47 and haven’t been to a doctor since I was 14. I could be riddled with all sorts but we’ll keep trucking all the same.


Tried that with a few of them no takers