Vaccine Numbers Log Thread


Congrats Gil, when’s she getting the vaccine?


Benny Hill wouldn’t be in it with you

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We are only in the 2nd week of January and lads are saying the whole thing is a shambles. It sounds like we are actually doing pretty well.

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Kicking into gear now in fairness.

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No place for that kind of talk around here mate. We need to focus on getting Mary the maths teacher and Andy the air steward trained up to give the vaccines


A lad in my office got vaccinated on Monday. His partner works in a nursing home and by the time they had all the staff and residents vaccinated they realised they had 2 doses left.

They live relatively close to the nursing home so his missus rang him and he called down and got vaccinated. Not sure who got the other dose.


I have heard of a similar story this week.

They can’t waste any doses, so I don’t really see a problem with that.



I wouldn’t want Kevin McStay and his Juvenile Army administering this out.

Around 3rd.

Stupid egghead.

Lads will be giving out next that they’re moving too quickly

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Could do with a few solid numbers rather than around 3rd or nearly 40,000 last week but seems to be ramping up at least

Only the gobshites go into the cadets

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My missus said it has to be used within 20 minutes

You’d want your head examined if your a young person in good health taking this jab.Once the old and vulnerable are vaccinated that should be enough.

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The vaccine figures should be on the Covid Dashboard at the weekend.

cc @briantinnion