Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Thanks for the update, pal.

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So we still have 50% of the doses sitting in freezers?


thats in case the bus from London breaks down in Holyhead

What’s an acceptable amount to keep in reserves, 20%?.. 50% is pure gowl acting.

No, unlike the Tans we plan on giving everyone the 2 doses. You’re not covered until 10 days after the 2nd jab. The Tans are in such quare street they are hoping the one jab will mitigate the covid-magedon the their mutant strain of the virus is bringing down upon them.

Lean thinking in inventory needed. The civil service has always been bloated. Costing the state a fortune in inefficiencies as usual

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The virus likes a delayed vaccine roll out. It wants us to keep a stockpile of vaccines in a freezer.


Really it seems just to a be timing thing between deliveries coming in and being dispatched. The chart is a bit all over the place but it would seem 90% of those doses will be delivered to various settings over the weekend.

Is that not a very disappointing proportion for long term care residents?

It was painfully slow getting started and the amount of resources being put to it and excuses of paperwork and consent etc, but at least they are meeting the targets they are setting themselves and there doesnt seem to be any delays now with it all. And it seemed to me that a lot of transmissions seem to be within health care set ups, outbreaks in nursing homes and hospitals and unknowing health care workers carrying the virus, so having all our nurses and doctors high on the list of those vaccinated is good news and good progress. I only hope now, and it is a big one, that the focus starts looking onto the positives. Report on the vaccinations, about the new long term strategy of “living with covid” and how we can start resuming normal lives again. Keeping everyone in endless misery is taking its toll.


not sure nationally what the plan is, but all care homes in Wexford will be fully finished in two weeks, with the least affected homes at the end of the list and critical ones where outbreaks have happened early on. It also seems they are ahead of target dates too for administering the vaccine in the latter homes.

Very convoluted way of saying “OPEN THE PUBS”

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77303 doses administered works out at 1.57 vaccines administered per 100 people.

We have 3.3 million doses ordered from Pfizer and are getting 40k per week. If we continue to get this volume per week, they’ll be sending us boxes for 18 months.

When is this being ramped up?

Relax will you.

Arra take it to fuck. What harm. We’ve all taken worse shur ya might get a buzz off it if nothin else.

I’m not giving up on summer.

It can’t always be summer

We’re in a state of permanent Winter now for 16 months and counting.