Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Well they know they by putting it out there, that 60 or 70% of the population will swallow it, so why not put it out there. No one of consequence will challenge it.

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That will drive a few of the usual suspects absolutely mental


The previous vaccines you got would have had years of trials before being approved, and as such were deemed safe before being released to the public. The current Covid vaccines were fast tracked, so there is always the question mark around possible side effects. Though at this point, and tens of millions of guinea pigs, I think we have fair idea they are safe.

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ah stop, a good comparison is that programme where they get a load of lads in and build an extension for some lad in a wheelchair with no money in 3 days, it can be done, get the best minds on the world on it and accelerate the fuck out of it. Anti vaxxers are poorly educated morons with too much time on their hands


And a week later the house burns down with yer man in the wheelchair inside in it. But they don’t show you that on the Telly.

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That’s a very fair point.


I was over in the museum in Washington DC and they had the Wright Flyer there from 1903.

On the floor below they had a rocket that sent a man to the moon 65 years later.

I could barely find my way to the door with tears in my eyes as i marvelled at man’s ingenuity.

I went for a glass of Sauvignon blanc in The Capital Grille and reflected on what we can achieve when we have ambition, courage and piggyback on the Nazi rocket programme that was accelerated by a World War.

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Gerry still ploughing along today with his vaccine evading variants.

20 years ago if you had told us you could watch the telly on your phone and surf the web, you’d be locked up.

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy what are stock levels like now?

Id say they’ll be about 174900 Pfizer (2.067 factor based on most recent delivery) due in this week and 32960 Moderna due in this week.

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I’ll check when I get in the office tomorrow Comrade.

We didn’t have a phone in the house when I was growing up. If you had told me as a teenager that not only would I have a phone in my pocket someday, but I could use it to type a message to some fella from Kilkenny who thinks he’s from Limerick, I’d have said you’re away with the fairies.


In a few years time, I’ll travel back in time and bate seven shades of shite out of you for that post

Don’t stop believin’ Gerry

Close to 1.2 billion doses administered, over 21 million a day is the current rate.

I love the way the ISAG freaks throw in some made up scientific mumbo jumbo to try and indicate that us common folk just wouldn’t get it when some of their other theories/assumptions are clearly debunked or challenged

Like what does the last sentence in that tweet even mean?


I hope he gets aids

I questioned his nonsense once and challenged his opinion. Not abusive or not. These academics want to rule without question. I remember one of my lecturers saying question everything you are told even by him. Great advice

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