Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I make it about 29% with their first dose up to Saturday. Now the 12% difference there probably falls into some of the other categories which would be around 50k.



That’s just up to Thursday. Will be well over 50% at this point.

17% were done before they started properly doing that age cohort. Others will be getting it as part of Cohort 4.

You’d imagine they should be making a big dent at Cohort 7 this week so.

Thanks. As suspected the older populations here are not as widely vaccinated as in Ireland. Ireland has almost 100% of the 70+ group done whereas here is is 57% for the 80+ and 70% of the 70-80. However we are 10% better in the 50-70 group. If the older group are not getting their shots we can be heading for trouble here again.

The circa for Cohort 7 makes me wonder for both that and Cohort 4. I can see their reluctance to commit on over 50s in the next few weeks being down to uncertainty over the real number in Cohort 7.

Why would that be? Hesitancy or rollout issues?

I would have expected a bump in Cohort 7. I was hearing a lot through the grapevine last week of people being called for vaccines under the age of 50 for frivolous enough reasons - youngish people with asthma etc but it doesn’t really translate in those figures. I wonder if these people are actually being recorded in Cohort 4 which for me would state that Cohort 7 is a complete waste and it should be done by age only now.

Yeah the distinction is odd. I think the estimates there are the clearest indicator of how poor record keeping is in the HSE.

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Bit of both. There is a bit of anti-vaxxer chat here and the church are contributing to it. A poll last week said that 30% of people would not take it. A lot of the application process here is tech based and possibly some of the older cohort are less familiar. Plus people in rural areas could be a factor.

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By End of May everyone up to cohort 8 should have at least one dose if we hit 1.2 million? What is the target? I assume its much larger than April with the mass vax centres in operation. I have rough estimates.

Dose 2 for 1 & 2 300k

Dose 2 75% of 3 150k

First dose 4-8 750k

A poll of poles. The church are anti vax over there? They’d want to catch themselves on ffs

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Surely impossible to have 100% of any group done? I’d say 99% no problem, even 99.9% but 100% :grinning:

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They won’t be done in wicklow anyway. Rollout seems to be very uneven

Horsing through it in Wexford, my mam’s 64 and she got her first shot yesterday

MIL & FIL both 65 and have no date even yet. Wicklow mass vaccination centre supposed to open today I think. Stephen Donnelly isn’t a parish pump man anyway, you’d have to give him that

That’s bonkers, a fair fuck up by Donnelly. He will surely be under pressure getting in next time?

Once it’s open they will fly through them.

He was never very popular in Wicklow anyway from what I can tell (since he left Soc Dems). Was very lucky to get in last time from memory. Not doing himself any favours at the moment

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Donnelly is a complete spoofer but you have to give him some credit for the way he doesn’t descend questions on his handling of a situation or the govts situation to false flag operations. He doesn’t descend down political rabbit holes like Martin and Varadkar do when challenged on failings by throwing something completely unrelated back at the opposition who query the matter. At the very least he does try and remain accountable to his brief even if he spins off a realm of bullshit.

I couldn’t give him any credit, I don’t think he even knows what will come out of his mouth next