Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Whatever it is, it’s at least refreshing to see him trying to waffle around the subject than the usual Martin/Varadkar response of exchanging insults when they are questioned on their handling of a situation.

These seems about right but to me the opening of the portal to over 50s suggests they are running out of identifiable Cohort 4/7 and clipping along the over 60s at a serious pace.

The HSE cohorts represent not far off 50% of the adult population…before getting to the 50s and below. I find it hard to believe there are that many identifiable people.

The HSE have suggested they don’t want any longer than 2 weeks on the portal for people but it seems to be 7-10 days for most. Starting the 50s aged bracket suggests they need to build a pipeline as visibility is slowing on Cohort 1-8.

What’s the usual time from registering to vaccine

If anyone is 50 and wants a vaccine a birdie told me the portal hasn’t a breeze what age you are. You can register whenever you want, at whatever age you are and will get called earlier


It’s all anecdotal but seems to be within 10 days to get appointment plus a couple more till you get the jab. I haven’t heard of anyone being too much longer. Target is no more than 14 days.

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Tbh I’d say that’s part deliberate. I really think their visibility is slowing from mid next week as Cohort 4 and 7 was lashed together based on shit HSE records. They will want a pipeline there ready to go if there are spare appointments.

Also worth doing- heard of a few people accompanying a parent late in the day getting them in their 40s due to no shows.

It’s deliberate in that they’ve absolutely no way of checking I’d say

The main vaccination centres seem to be running very smoothly. We are well able to have things running swiftly and efficiently in this country when the willpower is there.

The mother had her first jab in the Radisson last week. Showed up, had to show them the text she received, photo ID, confirm details and was waiting only about five minutes before being called down to one of the vaccination booths.

Was in and out in 30 mins total. Constant flow of people but well signposted and plenty of people on hand to offer assistance, directions etc.


Non-coded has jumped from 483 last Sunday to over 6k this Sunday.



Bank holiday Monday mate.

I think it’s clear Cohort 7 is a cod of thing and it should pretty much be age based now.

My parents were originally allocated appointments on separate days for the Limerick centre. They showed up to the first appointment and were able to arrange for both to be jabbed on that day.


Around 512k sitting in a fridge I reckon at close of Sunday.

AZ and Moderna figures not confirmed below but are estimates.


Broken down by vaccine.


Moderna seem to be promising around 33k a week from here on according to your Belgian schedule so you’d say they should really be hitting a minimum of 33k first doses for Moderna on a weekly basis now.

Plenty of AZ doses in stock at present but they will need to start the second doses from the beginning of this week so may need to keep around 30-40k in stock until they get the big shipment in a fortnight’s time.

235 people got a 2nd jab in today’s numbers.

Bank holiday weekend I know so probably shouldn’t be expecting more but really?

People expecting second jabs at present would be mostly over 70s so that would be the GP’s baby I think.

They should be aiming for 250k this week (bank holiday will probably impact that though it should not be an excuse).

AZ 100k
Pfizer 120k
Moderna 30k

That should be the priority.

How many second doses of AZ are due before the next shipment and how many in that batch? Another 165k?

C. 200k in the fridge anyway.

You’d expect the over 50s will get the full range of vaccines when they start.

When do you reckon young lads in their 40’s with their whole life ahead of them will get offered a vaccine ?

I did this little summary of AZ previously.

If they are going on a strict 12 week interval then I reckon about 96k needed before the end of May for second doses.


Realistically you are looking at around 70k of that 180k needed for first second doses over the next three weeks.