Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

ECDC portal is updated but not HSE numbers (I’m sure they’ve a few other things to worry about…:grinning:)

1,969k done to Wed evening, meaning around 46k were done on Wed. Some differences to the HSE numbers would he expected. A slight increase on last Wed (44.6k).

Updated numbers

69-69: 84%
50-59: 33.3%
25-49: 16.4%
18-24: 10.1%

A weekend off on the vaccine numbers

Cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy


Paul didn’t count on some Russian hacker breaking his legs

Just as they were ready to announce 250k a week mark. How inconvenient

The hackers have secured the away goal.


Its actually comical there was a lad on VM news on paring it to planes being hijacked.

Iirc pilz in cork got held for the same crack locked out for months before it was resolved

My arm is as sore as fuck so it is

Still no decision by NIAC/Tony on Astra/J&J - sitting on it weeks. Lucky we’re not in an emergency

It’s in the hands of Tony now, he must review the NIAC recommendation before sending it to Donnelly. Surprised it hasn’t leaked though.


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That’ll be most of the forum sorted so. And my Mrs. I’ll be waiting til they go under 40 :sunglasses:

I’ll be the last member of the forum to get a jab I’d say :grimacing:

Unless anyone refuses it :thinking:

I’m not getting it.

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You’ll surely find a few sputniks on the dark web?

Bring on the wan shot

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Presume you’re just getting whatever shot your doc has