Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I think they are as well hodl the J&J for the 40s at this point. They probably won’t be getting done until June so hopefully by that time they will have 100k or so ready to rock with a few more big shipments due in June.

J&J and Moderna orders were received in Belgium towards the end of last week too.

I reckon around 40k of J&J has been received so far.


Another 35k AZ or so due this week with 160k the following week.

I’ll have a closer look at the delivery figures once I’m back from my trip to Penneys :sunglasses:

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The HSE is now having a good long think about NIACs advice. FFFFFSSSSSS

Strict conditions on the use of the Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca vaccines in people aged between 40 and 49 will mean people will have a choice to accept them, or wait for an mRNA vaccine, like Pfizer or Moderna, RTÉ News has confirmed.

The J&J and AstraZeneca vaccines will only be permitted to be used if an mRNA vaccine is not available at the time of vaccination.

People must be given a choice at that time on what vaccine to accept, with fully-informed consent.

The HSE is assessing the impact of the strict conditions and what it will mean for the operation of the vaccination programme.

It expects to start vaccinations for this group of people later this month.

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NIAC advice is a pain in the hole. They should just open to all ages below 50 and restrict it through that.

Is there an incentive to avoid taking AZ given the 16 week wait for a second dose and accept dropping down the queue for Pfizer. Especially if you’re looking to get an EU travel passport

Any update on the figures last week or is the excel file down? People are still getting called to go so that’s a positive until the hse find a few bitcoin

Did you have any side effects after first jab?


The “Vaccine bonus” kicks in 28 days after the first dose of AZ.

Not sure if anything is decided for the EU Travel passport yet.


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Can you lump your vaccine bonus into Bonfire?

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Just back from my day out. Good crowd about. Got myself a lovely windbreaker in Lifestyle. Good number of lads in Penneys buying jocks and socks. I bought a few pairs of ankle socks when I was in there.

On the Vaccine delivery front:

Up to last night I reckon the total delivered to date for Pfizer to be about 1,703,520, with another 183710 ish due in this week.

For Moderna, total delivered to date is 250800 with another 32400 due in this week.

For AZ, total delivered to date is about 597930 with another 35190 due in this week.

For Janssen, total delivered to date is 40800 with no delivery expected this week.

Next week will see the beginning of the ramp up in deliveries. About 376K due in next week (week beginning the 24th) and that should only increase between then and June as AZ and Janssen haven’t forecasted further than next week.

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Decent offer from Uber if you’re in Dublin.

The young fella got AZ this afternoon. There’s an eleven week gap between jabs. I’ve heard of some teachers who got the AZ jab and didn’t feel great and who are now not bothering to turn up for the second jab.,

The NHS vaccine passport is being rolled out on the NHS app today, my first one is showing up already, a great job

Can leave them in fridges even longer now


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I’d say he’s a buy the dip kind of guy

Cc @Thomas_Brady

Next day vaccine in Spain… My auld fella put his name down , they rang him an hour later to come in the following day. Done.

The first thing that the HSE got back up and running was the case numbers for the media. No harm about the vaccines, that’s a good news story.