Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

good for him, but what about getting the vaccine?

Martin and his advisors are idiots and probably pulled the latest figure they could get from Geohive.

That’s all down to your one Sally.

70% of adults with the first dose in the O6 now.

cc @Biff_Egan

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According to The Currency, Pfizer has been working for months on a secret plan to develop a Covid-19 vaccine manufacturing facility in Ireland.

Someone may have a sub to post up the full article…

I’m due my second shot of Moderna Friday. I’ve heard nothing from the HSE. I’m worried that as I am a young, exceptionally strong man I may not be a priority but I need to be fully done so I can get my holiday to the US ASAP


Thank fuck for the MNC’s.

God bless Capitalism

Mick Barry would have had public servants making vaccines down in Cork.

Ah lovely.


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interesting. now how are they going to get around the pesky EU export regulation?

pity there’s no immunisation against the pox that is darcy*

*thanks for the set up MBB


I want people I can trust to help me, @glenshane / @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

I don’t think I’m going to get the vaccine. Your thoughts?

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I’ll put it as simply as this a chara.

If you think the vaccine will protect you and you feel safe about it and doing so then fire ahead,

If you have doubts about the benefits and believe it may actually present more risks then sit it out.

It should be a personal choice without anybody trying to vilify you whatever you choose.

I personally won’t be getting it but I’m not going to be zealot and demand others don’t get it or demonise them for getting it, unlike the other side.

Edit: I will vilify vaccine thieves who got up on their high horse about people skipping the queue before skipping the queue themselves.


If I was over 70 or 80 or even 60, I may feel different and would take it but I don’t think I’ll be partaking.

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