Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

That is my view. I see no upside in taking a vaccine we know little about when the disease is of limited threat to my demograph.

If you took the over 80 year old deaths out of it. What would the percentage of deaths then be, as a percentage of people that got it?

Significantly lower.

In the O6 you have 7 deaths in 65k cases in the u40s.

I got it. To each their own.

Most people I know have got it/getting it. I just don’t know if I will. Probably won’t. And then probably die from it.

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The correct approach might well have been to vaccinate the vulnerable and let everyone else go about their business. From what I’ve read on ‘The Internet’, natural immunity offers better protection than the vaccine. If the government(s) were sincere they’d spend a fraction of the wasted pcr budget on antibody testing…of course they realise that this would expose the high number of false positives so they wont go down that road.
I doubt that theres much to fear from the vaccine but I dont intend taking it. Im put off by the droves of brainwashed halfwits chirpily asking strangers I they’ve had their vaccine ‘YET’. There’s so much coercion and propaganda that it’s hard to resist being contrary. There’s something about having to hard sell a life saving vaccine during a deadly pandemic that I just dont get.


I won’t be taking up the offer of the vaccine either. Same as yourself if I was in my 80’s etc I probably would, but at 35 years of age, in reasonable health I’m going to take my chances.

Will be interesting to see how many people don’t bother with it.

I’d say a few tinfoil hat merchants will be the size of it.


Thats all sure, pal.

Have you got yours yet?

My mother got her vaccines a couple of weeks ago, she’s back visiting friends etc, which is great.

I presume from your posting on here you were first to get the double Pzizer jabs,

Why do you care what anyone else is doing? Are you not safe enough?

Was it a tinfoil job to not get the flu vaccine over the last few years. It wasnt.

Got one Jab of the Astra Zeneca so far. Always took the flu jab every winter. Never got the flu.



It probably would be if the flu caused us to shut down our lives every year. I’ll be getting it myself just to do my bit for reopening society as most people under the risk category ages will be


Very good, hopefully that will work out for you mate. Its fiven my mother that bit of confidence which is good.

I’ve never taken the flu jab myself personally, I think I had the flu about 10 years ago, nothing major to write home about.sick for a day maybe or two.

Friend of mine last week tested positive for Covid as his wife got it teaching in school. Absolutely zero symptoma, not even have a sore throat.

Genuinely mate, I’m not telling anyone what to do.

Tinfoil talk isnt really of any use though from @Fagan_ODowd

I’m sure it will work out for me.

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If I was you I’d be doing the same.

Have you a position at all on kids being vaccinated?

Yes. I’d be all in favour of it. We all got Mmr and Bcg vaccines when we were kids


True, a lot more testing has been done on those though.

There’s no serious risk to kids below 18 either with Covid.

If the elderly and vulnerable are protected, in my view, that should do. Human immune systems have survived thousands of years.