Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

He should be running the country.

Where are the lambasters now come out ye fuckers ye

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Leo. Leo. Leo.


God bless Pfizer. We should give them a bigger tax break.

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The Egghead haters, including myself, have eggs on their face

I’m very surprised they hit that target. Its a good start. Hopefully they can’t drive on and fall over the line with the next 4.5 million with any luck

John Bull confident he’ll have 14 million vaccinated by February 15 according to tomorrow’s Sunday Times.


Very possible they will. The Brits are summoning the blitz spirit.

Should be at 140k by Sunday

Two doses or one dose?

What happens when we find out the vaccine is a dud, btw?

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Here’s how it goes. You’ve heard all the propaganda about mutant strains? It turns out this means you have to be vaccinated every year with a booster or a slightly different vaccine.
This will be on your health passport…soon other vaccinations for other human conditions will also be on the passport. Soon your general health details will be added and your mortgages, job prospects, insurance premiums etc will be adjusted accordingly.


I think ye should be all chipped.

The Israeli studies have shown very promising results in relation to the production of antibodies. It looks like it should work and that it should prevent transmission.

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People who wear fitness trackers already are.

In a cashless society you have no right to access a bank account. A bank can cancel you if your political beliefs are not acceptable.


You really got to love scientists for hedging everything. It should work but it also may not, ie. we don’t really know whether it does or not.

or carrying phones

Some fellas on here definitely should be anyway