Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Well well well

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Ye must have a right mickey mouse booking system.

I’ve outlined this extensively.

Rather than go with the very straightforward year you were born in they went with a confusing and unclear age where people whose birthday falls on a certain day in the year are not told when to register.

There is people born on the 29th of February who are dead because of it


We have a Minister for Health who can’t even read a calendar.

Just reading through this thread. What does Gerry Killeen mean when he says that P1 emerged from a population with widespread immunity? P1 is the Brazilian variant. Does Gerry think that the Brazilians had achieved herd immunity?

For the revised target tbf, they had 3m originally.

Those of us who called 2.75m for the month look to be on the ball. :sunglasses:


It’s great that things finally look like they have gotten up to speed, but it’s much later than they initially said it would. Meeting revised lower targets and then passing it off as some sort of milestone to celebrate is bollix. But finally, it looks like they are able to meet their targets, rather than reduce them and then tell us they’ve met their target and they are getting 95% of vaccines out in a week. The teething problems with it all took far too long to resolve, moreso as this was not some sort of on the spur thing, they had months to plan for it and were left cobbling shit together, being reactionary as usual.

But anyway, whats done is done, and they are up to speed now. Lets hope they can hit 400k next week and that June pretty much gets through the rest of the country.


I have tuned out of this the last while.

What ages are signing up/getting jabbed these days?

And when will the 20 somethings be getting jabbed? Late June?

As before, I really don’t understand this outlook. Would you rather they maintained the original targets even when they know supply would not meet the targets? How do you think this would affect logistics plans?

Honestly, for a very sensible guy I think this is a bizarre whinge.




Supply has not been an issue since March. Supply was not the reason they missed their March and April targets.

45-49 I believe. Likely some 50s too.

Lots of people younger are getting it too via Cohort 7, so will cut down on waiting.

Seems as though things have stalled out a bit with age registration, which is likely a function of supply and longer waiting time to get through younger ages.

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I mean they were blocked from using the jabs for long periods of that time, that’s not a fair criticism tbf.

It surely is fair criticism. AZ supply has been very low for the most part and that’s the only one that’s been blocked. They made a mess of it for four and a bit months but finally seem to making progress.

He was referring to targets revised down, which was done because supply did not meet what was committed to.

During the period you referred to safety concerns arose, causing pauses. Again, a bit of a ridiculous criticism because it was a valid reason not to meet targets, even if we made a bit of a meal out of it.

Now we’re up and running as I said we would be and wiping out all those losses, as I said we would. You said we wouldn’t at every turn. We’re now surpassing the targets you said we would never even reach.

It’s gas how comprehensively wrong you have been proved.

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Supply was not the issue when they missed their targets in Mar and Apr.

They have consistently failed to meet targets and you’re praising them and then claiming others are wrong.

You’re a simpleton.

If supply was low, then how could they have achieved their targets?

All in all, of available vaccines they carried around 150k excess into May from Pfizer and Moderna that could have been used before.

It’s almost like you can’t even read what I’ve posted.

They still had enough vaccines. 500k vaccines sitting in a fridge at the end of April for example.

I did.

All lies.

You are celebrating and lauding consistent failure. You have been wrong throughout this and continue to deny the facts.