Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Surpassing targets.

Failing targets.

The only targets they have meet have been the ones they have revised down.

Part of that is down to the strategy. Anything 4 weeks on for Pfizer and Moderna has been reasonable enough to hold back. The HSE don’t decide on intervals.

There were excess doses coming into May alright, but not that many. 150k or so that they’ve used over 3 weeks or so.

so they have met their targets. Finally

More lies. We’ve now surpassed targets you said we would never reach.

Big numbers now are wiping out small losses from before, like I said they would.

Any word on what’s going to happen with the pile of J&J vaccines due in June, when their allowed cohort will be mainly all vaccinated by then?

cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

Sell them to George the Greek

Probably nothing decided as of now as you never know, they could push back to NIAC again depending on evidence from elsewhere.

They will probably use some of those to get to over 50s who didn’t rock up when their cohort were invited either. Maybe give some to GPs to have on hand in case they hear of anyone who didn’t get it.

How come Belgium had 97% of vaccines received used up by the end of last week.

Looking at the Irish figures. I’d say they had probably have around 2.3 done by the end of last week. At that point they had around 2.85m vaccines given.

That’s 80%. So Belgium have a whole 17% more of their doses given than Ireland. I would say that is mediocre from Ireland in that regard but @glasagusban wants to continue to laud mediocrity and failure.

Would missing GP jabs be included?

Belgium were 97% by my calculations at the close of the week.


Minus the 364k on Monday. Leaves 6.151m


Minus the 36k on the Monday. Leaves 6.010m.

That’s 97.7% of total vaccines in supply administered by the end of the week.

Doubt it.

They’re estimating the GP doses administered based on the doses delivered to GPs.

But we’re now hitting numbers that you said we would never hit, how do you explain that? Were you wrong?

I asked you to back up those claims previously and you couldn’t.

I said Ireland would not hit the 80% 1st doses and 60% second doses by June as it pledged it would. It doesn’t look like they will and you’re the guy who said they would. I have been right all along and I will be vindicated.

Comes down to how aggressive they are. I believe they have a 5 week interval for Pfizer too?

I don’t think the HSE can be blamed for the intervals.

I do think they will have to be more aggressive from June and should be as well as the % requiring a fresh dose declines. They can hold back July deliveries for second doses which is a risk but one that should be taken to get more people first doses.

We’ve seen over the last few weeks that they’re been willing to deplete AZ stocks to virtually zero. They seemed to hold onto J&J for a while but there were questions on strategy. I think they certainly held onto some Pfizer and Moderna too long- but it isn’t 500k. It was really 150k coming into May.

What they’ve done to date is about a month behind where most of Europe is and their own initial projections. Listen, it’s great that the roll out is going strong now and worth being positive about. But we are a month behind opening up and whilst some may say who cares, there are lots of people where every month counts.

Credit to them for getting over 350k done in a week and I hope they keep that upward trend going. But I’m not going to say that the last 3 months were worthy of popping champagne bottles. What’s done is done though, so as long as this keeps going strong and the government backs the results and trends and opens up, then it’s all good


Ah they’re not a month behind Europe, that’s simply not true. If you are comparing OurWorldInData, that’s probably 2 weeks short of Irish data due to the hack. Up until then we were slightly behind, but had basically caught up once the J&J and AZ stocks were unlocked.

I have given the HSE stick and I think the rollout is still a 6/10, but the mass vaccination portion of it has gone well.

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4 weeks

As I said. Belgium are operating at about 97% of their total vaccines being used up by the end of the week.

At the end of the Belgium had less that 3% of their vaccine stock left over, Ireland had over 18%. That’s a multiple of 6x. Ireland can be doing a lot better on this. Thankfully they are FINALLY moving in the right direction.

The 80% of adults first dose and 60% of second does comes in at around 5.5m jabs needed. If we remove 100K off that for J&J jabs by the end of June, then it’s 5.4m. Yesterday they reported 2.5m had been done at least, if we add on an extra 200k for unreported GP jabs and whatever they went over 2.5m yesterday we will put it at 2.7m.

That would mean they need to do 2.7m jabs in exactly 5 weeks from today to reach their 80% 1st jabs and 60% 2nd jabs by the end of June. That’s an average of 540k per week to hit that target. It ain’t happening.

Nah it’s 5. That does make a difference.

I do think you could argue that we could have taken more of a risk this month on holding back the second dose, but that is the risk strategy at the end of the day. It’s not down to inefficiencies in getting it into arms.

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