Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Lad in work got the Janssen vaccine yesterday, it didn’t agree with him at all so it didn’t.

Cohort 4/7 I assume? Is it being given to the 40+. There was talk of an opt-in

Half my office have now got the jab. Us young bucks are like stealth bombers down the marina waiting to infect everyone. Great to see

Shouldn’t do

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I would have thought the 70 plus ages would have 2 doses by now? Unless is that accounting the long delay between the AZ shots?

Loads got AZ in March and into April, they’ll be fully vaccinated this month.


Home and hosed then. This whole rollout is going way better than expected. Everyone I’ve spoken to who went to the mass vax centres said it was unbelievable how efficient they were.


Oh aye.

They’ve only missed about every target they set themselves.

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Not the revised targets bucko.

I’m shocked that they were able to organise it. Didn’t think they would even hit 150k a week.

I was there today. In citywest.

I’ve never seen anything as well organised. It was unreal really.


The father is getting his vaccine tomorrow, he registered Wednesday (he’d be in the 45-50 cohort so could have registered a good bit earlier). Got a call this evening asking him how was he fixed for getting his jab tomorrow. What time suits you she says, we’re open between 9am and 1pm.

On another note, I was in NCW today and one pharmacy had a sign on the window saying they would have the single dose vaccine available from the 15th for those over 50 who want it and to call for an appointment. So the pharmacies would be using the single dose vaccines it seems…


In keeping with my proud tradition of keeping the forum updated on my vax status I am now 14 days after Moderna shot number two and thus, fully vaccinated. Mask is going in the bin


Still banging that drum? I suppose when we’re all vaccinated as fast as the rest of Europe you’ll still have your head in the sand pretending we’re not?

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How’d you feel after it? I was boll*ed the following morning waking up. Sweating & all my muscles were aching. I hadn’t felt a thing after the first one.

I was grand. Maybe a small fuzzy feeling in my head but I wouldn’t call it a headache. I’d be hard as nails though.

Are you finally going to admit you got it badly wrong?

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Yeah I’m gone soft tbf