Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

They’ve only bloody done it again.

The three people in the country affected will be devastated.

Stay under the bed and await further instructions. Whinge about it on THE INTERNET if you have good WiFi there.

I registered today and I’m not 44 :man_shrugging:

Yeah even if you aren’t in the 40-69 group you can just select the option saying you are and register as normal. You won’t be called for a vaccine for a while though.

Egghead didn’t think about that.

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RIP to those people

Jesus lads but this has been some unmitigated success. I’ll drink a warm rockshore to egghead at the Picnic this year.

It’s like people forgot Egghead is a Harvard man


He says it best, when he says nothing at all

When is the portal likely to open to 35 - 39 ?
2 more weeks?

Would like to see some fresh figures from the ECDC and the HSE update. It sounds like they have made good progress on 45-49 so you’ll probably see some 44s called at the weekend. There’ll always be some overlap.

10 days time I’d say?

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1st of October is the most popular birth date.

So Ireland didn’t get any Q4 deliveries :face_with_monocle:

How much supply have we in stock at the minute?

This HSE black out is suiting them down to the ground. I’d say there’s no rush to get the reporting back up and running

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This doesn’t appear to tally with Pfizer’s statement. What they seemed to suggest was they would only distribute Q4 amounts at the same time to each country.

700-800k I’d say, about 440k of which arrived in the last couple of days. Remainder will largely be second Pfizer and Moderna doses.

Pardon my ignorance but what would show up in a PCR test if you had got your first jab of vaccine a few days previously ?