Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

We are not far off this

TBF, it’s not too hard for Malta - what’s the population there?

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The lad on Prime Time had it at 72-78% vaccinated at least once by the end of June assuming the Janssen delivery for June was 60k worst case.

If we get between the 180k and 360k (from above) in June (14400 due this week) then that will have us a lot more towards the 78% estimate if not maybe above depending on when they are delivered.

39k is about 1% of the over 16 population.

The other thing to note from the Belgium forecast and the Prime Time forecast is that it looked like Belgium got a delivery brought forward from Q4 last week but Ireland didn’t. Not sure what’s going on there tbh.

For the COB on Wednesday 30th of June, I think the percentage vaccinated (first dose) will be 77%.


Signing in :muscle:


I had a look there earlier at their delivery schedules for this month and looks like a reduction in extra Q4 doses for them this week and next. I wonder are Pfizer giving some extra one week to some countries and to others the next?

Mad Tomás was on WLR this morning shaking his fist at the sky.

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WLR kindly described him as a a professor and an immunologist. I believe he is an associate professor and a neuroscientist.


He might not have heard of Messi but he surely knows of Dan Shanahan?

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His most cited paper is a doozy

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Half a million. Population doesn’t really matter when we are all getting the supply from the EU pro rataed based on Population.

I’m sure you’ll find some counties in Ireland who have had zero Covid days over the past couple of months.

100% the likes of clare, Leitrim and kerry were near 0 for weeks before the hack iirc

Shure at least 8 people worked on that paper. Many a group project in college had my name assigned to it after I only did a bit of proof reading.

Whey hey! All juiced up. I’ll be hoppin on and off roofs of taxis tonight so I will


Any of the 40 - 44 cohort with appointments this week?

Nothing yet. I got added to a list by a nurse I know for leftovers in the helix last week but they’d run out by the time I got over. Army came in and took 200 doses for their crew


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My friend in Tarbert registered Friday, jabbed today. I registered Wednesday, yet to be called for the Aviva.

Registered but heard nowt. They had said mid June for that cohort but assumed it would come sooner than that

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Heard nowt

Seems to be low 40s in some places