Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

56% for first dose and 26% for second dose.

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Got it done today in Mallow. Ran with military precision. Quality of the birds do admin and nurses off the charts.


What do we reckon, 2 out of 3 adults by June 20th?

Took my daughter in there to get the Pfizer. Age 14.

You murderer.

Signing in


Got the text or got the jab? You’d heard nothing yesterday.

I registered Sunday night. About 20 mins before my 42nd birthday. I’m fucked :astonished:

Call this am to know if I could come at short notice.

Have heard of a good few in the 40 to 44 getting it the last few days

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The J&J stuff is gas, it was irrelevant weeks ago.

Pfizer is more interesting, what’s going on with the deliveries? Hopefully they actually make up for it from next week on.

Sister got that call randomly yesterday for tomorrow via gp. No underlying conditions 40 year old.

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Poland are giving up on the AZ due to supply issues. The pfizer seems to be the workhorse here.

I’ve heard of a pile of people in a similar position who just rang local GPs and got the jab the next day.


Are they getting down so low, so quickly because there isn’t a huge take up in the older cohorts ?

I was given my “vaccine card” yesterday after getting my second shot. Jayses a five year old could make a half decent copy of it.


Yeah. I’ve said before that they haven’t covered the old cohorts well enough. There was some survey that said up to a third of adults wouldn’t bother. and there are apes who had the first shot but say they won’t bother with the second because they had a reaction!

GPs getting their supply of cohort 7 in last few weeks but plenty have just registered and gone through the vacc centres so seems to be lots floating around. One of the gaps created by the hacking I’d say

Sore arm developed about 6/7 hours after shot and I got a dose of the trots. That’s about it.

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