Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

that 2 million doses

Clearly leftover from vaccinating their staff at the embassy :joy:

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Paul Reid was on Morning Ireland this morning.

Main points

Supply lines have firmed up with AZ for June. Approx 450k waiting on a 2nd dose of AZ. Based on the supplies expected these should be done for July 19th. About 90k are getting the 2nd AZ doses this week which is just under a third of what they’re expecting to administer per week for this week and next week. (Between 300-310k)

About 3.25m doses administered to date. 58% dose 1 and 28% dose 2.

By July 5th, they expect it to be in the higher sixties for dose 1 and well into the thirties for dose 2.

That’s piss poor, they’ve gotten away with slowing down

@Copper_pipe knew

Anecdotally they seem to be way slower getting through the lower 40s. Last mention I heard was that the portal for the 30s won’t open until the weekend at least.

They are doing circa 70/80k a week less than 2 week’s ago by the looks of things.

I don’t think they have good visibility on what the GPs are up to. Loads of people not turning up because their GPs already sorted them out.

There is a slow down in 1st doses alright, overly conservative.

Given Martin has said the plan is 70% to be fully vaccinated by the end of July, “high 60s” by the start of July won’t cut it.

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Lads are ringing the GPs on spec and getting an appointment.

That’ll be a few more of us in the system

Ya, if anyone really wants to get one they should call their GP. They are literally giving them away.

Heaps of people being vaccinated at GP’s & issue with age of those attending not a factor.


Got the call for the second jab there, I will hold out for 12 weeks in order to achieve maximum efficacy against the dreaded delta variant which is 60% more transmissible than the highly contagious Kent variant



That happened here as well at the beginning. Then they fucked off when the Government said they would do a bit of extra monitoring on “no shows”

There’s lads on TFK that love to claim that things that clearly happened never happened, they think it makes them look “in the know”.

There’s also lads that like to claim things clearly happened that they have no idea whether they actually did or not as it makes them look “in the know”.