Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

That chart is completely irrelevant though. There’s no point in criticising a rollout when two key components of it are out of their control. On that chart the supply line is and also the administration targets due to NIAC limiting the use of vaccines.

It’s relevant. They have missed every target they have set, some ephatically. Setting targets, missing them, setting revised targets missing them, setting revised targets of revised targets and missing them, setting revised targets of revised targets of revised targets and guess what - they’re missing them too.

Somehow you don’t think they are on the hook for criticism on this? Mad.

Supply has been outstripping doses administered for some time now so they can quit citing supply as the cause.

They have about 700k in storage, probably more and they can’t meet the 400-450k per week they promised they would (very recently) by this stage. They deserve to be strongly criticsed for their management of this.

As long as there are no more race meetings they won’t be far off

I didn’t say they weren’t subject to criticism. I was very criticism of the initial rollout and I think they are now being too conservative on the rollout of Pfizer to make up for the shortfalls and limitations in the other vaccines.

Because the facts are that there are shortfalls and limitations, you can’t get around that. It is pointless putting up that graph when in two major elements, they had no control. Some of it is up, some of it is down. For example, last week over 200k Pfizer was administered but on that graph just over 150k should have been administered. 50k J&J should have been administered when we both know neither the supply or the people able to take it allowed for it.

It’s a pointless criticism. Adjusting the rollout is key, I think overall they should be more aggressive on Pfizer like in other countries. I think it’s a mistake, but I’m not going to criticise them for not getting 50k J&J out as forecast when they don’t have the power to do that.

Yes. They have adjusted the rollout how many times now and still fucked up on every revised target?

It’s only a few weeks ago since they promised 2m doses being done in June - they’re not going to get anywhere close to that.

Every month they are failing to reach their targets, supply hasn’t really been an issue since April, they have the supply there to reach their June targets but they’re not going to meet them. Full accountability is on them for these failures.

Here was another failed target.

It’s now June and they’re not even meeting their May targets.

But as per the chart you posted, they did actually meet and exceed some of them? Looking at the first couple of weeks of May, they exceeded those amounts.

It’s kind of pointless talking about forecasts where the inputs fundamentally change.


In those first few weeks of May they should have been at the level of vaccinations administered that they are at now. They’re about a million behind and growing from their forecasts.

Actually it’s more like they stalled.

Well their forecasts predicted things would be ramping up significantly every month.

Either way this huge rampup has not materialised. I did say they would not be getting near the vast majority of the 30s until July and this rollout won’t be concluded until September and I have been proven right.

We’re halfway through June and they still haven’t all the 40s finished off with their first jab yet.

Mother and the two in laws got the appointment for second A-Z on Sunday. I’m guessing it’s approx 8 weeks since their first.

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The forecast you posted there actually showed a reduction there for a period before increasing again.

It’s just pointless comparing to a forecast like that where things have changed so much.

Where I’d be critical of late is;

  1. the J&J line on it being why forecasts won’t be reached. That was clear over a month ago once NIAC’s advice came in and supply whilst now lower than expected, was always heavily weighted towards the end of June. It just hasn’t been a factor for 5-6 weeks now, I’m not sure why it was a relevant news story a week and a half ago and was only then used as an excuse

  2. to cover the shortfall in J&J, additional Pfizer could be used. They aren’t though and aren’t being pressured on it

I prefer to focus on what is happening now. I think they are efficient in the administration overall, but I think the strategy needs to change.

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Thought Tony was gone quiet alright. Pubs opening seems to have gotten us through that pesky 400 a day mark.


I’d say Tony managed to get a handle on the Limerick situation. That appears to account for the reduction in numbers.

Willie O’Dea sorted that out

Boots offering J&J vaccines now. Can book a slot for a jab. Only for those aged 50 plus for moment.


The USA have donated 80 vials of Pfizer to Trinidad and Tobago :clap:

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Might be enough to cover the majority of Dwight Yorke’s love children.