Vaccine Numbers Log Thread


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Up Monday. So 2nd jab “should” fall nicely between my 2 stay-cations.
It better or it will be a 8 hour round trip in the middle of the family holiday :grimacing:

Should be 28 days to the day from first jab

Sure just postpone it if it does

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One staycation is enough for big Phil FFS sake.
Flashing the cash around with his two holidays

Yeah. And you get a text for the next day apparently. You can only reschedule twice

Paul Reid must have logged on.

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Ah well one is a week with my family/parents and the other is just ourselves in an Airbnb.
Didn’t get away last summer so gave ourselves 2 different trips this year. You’d be going up the walls at home without getting away for nearly 2 years…

They’re moving the goalposts on that. My brother is due his second (Pfizer) jab next Sunday and had heard nothing. Rang them yesterday, following Com Henry’s urgings, to be told that it didn’t matter as 28 days was only a recommendation, despite being told by both his GP and his original vaccinator that MRNA doses had to be 28 days apart.

He asked yer wan on the phone to identify herself and whether she had medical qualifications, whereupon she changed tack and said that Limerick Racecourse has sufficient vaccines but not the capacity to have it done on Sunday. The coup de grace was when she advised him to ring back on Monday as it couldn’t be escalated til then.

Oh, there was also a feeble, but probably standard, reference to the hack slowing everything down even though the HSE spin doctors said that the vaccination programme wasn’t impacted by it.

Making it up as they go along.

We must have passed each other in the Green room.

Standard rig for men was cargo shorts, ill fitting polo, not quite ankle socks and battered new balance


40 somethings are pathetic. Caught in the limbo between youth and middle age.

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I have fully succumbed to Soros. Got my second jab today.

Fuck Tipp.

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Raging against the dying of the light.

No need to get lemon and wistful

The Friday Fashion thread is a key read for our forty something demographic.

Any lad in cargo shorts in June 2021 needs to be removed from the vaccine queue and made to take his chances with Delta, Epsilon and Zeta.


I’ve only recently entered this demographic. Wearing long cargo pants at the moment. Is that acceptable?
