Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

148k J&J in the country with 72k administered. Likely a few K gone to waste already but should still be close to 70k to hand out. Close to 2% fully vaccinated if they can give it out, nearly a quarter of 18-24. Makes a big difference.

Prob agreed with govt to delay reopening but they’d release AZ/j and j. Be interesting if this means Reid’s predictions of 200k a week in late July changes

That’s been reported here for weeks. Anyone that really wants one should just ring their GP.

(But maybe review their posting around the Beacon hospital/teachers incident before bragging about it on here).


It should do. That 200k was assuming they’ll be only using Pfizer and Moderna from July 19th.

We have no further stocks of AZ due have we?

Like Home Store & More, once it’s gone, it’s gone.


500k due in August according to an article in the Independent last week.

Assume there would be deliveries in the last 2 weeks of July also.

Reid will have to get the annual leave planner out now



Reads to me like we still need to give 321k second doses of AZ with nothing on hand atm. 300k due in this week and and a further 29k the week after. Not a lot to spare for first doses until the next batch of deliveries.

Also, further 14k of J&J arrived in last week that’s not on the ECDC so maybe 85k spare of them.

They have no AZ at the minute?


Administered 1st and 2nd: 871k
No. Received: 821k

So a deficit, but in fact that misses out on 52k (working off Belgian deliveries for last week). So more or less none. In fairness, they get the AZ out quickly. Scrutiny always pays off on the HSE.


How did you get that 321k figure? When I had a look this morning I was getting a lower figure.

First doses: 596k
Second doses: 275k

I have it at 595733 first doses and 316717 second doses.

I have it down as 110k for second doses last week. Reid says it was almost 110k…

That’s just from the data I downloaded there, it’s all over the place as of late as you mention. Though I don’t see how they would have enough doses received into the country for the second doses figure you have there….

Got the text off my GP today, rang a few weeks ago and spun a yarn about needing to travel to a country just off the MHQ list few weeks back for work, said work said try and get it etc. (We actually do have an office there, ensure lies are believable). Rang back and let them know I was sorted already.

Several weeks before they’ll be able to act on NIACs latest u-turn

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Send out the Janssen to pharmacies and let people book appointments.

There’s no way they could have seen this coming. Need NIAC and the HSE to write each other a few more letters to get the ball rolling

They’re already there. Get booking appointments.

Annual Leave.