Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Sometimes people have common sense and decency. Glad to hear it was applied in this situation. Hope ye are all doing ok.



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110K second doses would amount to maybe an additional 3% fully vaccinated?

Will we be up to 50% of adults double jabbed within another 2/3 weeks?

@glasagusban shamelessly waving his pom poms for a failed vaccine rollout.

About that yeah. 37k is about 1%.

Should do. It was up to 40% on Saturday. I reckon there’s somewhere between 250k and 280k left to get the second jab of AZ. So anywhere between 6.75 and 7.5% of the adult population. These are due to be complete by July 19th. All the Pfizer and Moderna 2nd doses need to be added to that then

70% fully vaccinated by the end of July is the latest target pending supply.

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What’ll we do with the AZ then?

Hopefully find out today if NIAC will allow it to be used for the younger cohorts.

We now want to give it to the people who we re-jigged the whole vaccination program to avoid giving it to.



Sceptics would say they took the decision which matched their capacity at the time.

I took the young fella in for his second AZ shot earlier. He was due to get it on August 3rd, eleven weeks after the first shot but they changed the interval between shots to five weeks. Rang em up there and asked and they said “bring him in any time you like today balbec”. There seems to be a big fall off in the numbers going for vaccination here. Pretty anyone who wants it has had it already. The fun will start in autumn with the next wave affecting unvaccinated dolts.

Might be an idea to book in for a pharmacy appointment for J&J if under 50, just in case they change the rule tonight. I could see them just opening pharmacy for all ages to try and get some extra doses into younger cohorts.

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I know two people in their early 30’s who were at their local GP in the last few days for regular check ups and are in otherwise good health.

Both asked on the off chance about getting the vaccine. They were each put on the list at the practice - both have since been given appointments for later this week at the same GP practice. :man_shrugging:

Lash it out

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NIAC are going to approve AZ and Pfizer for the under 40’s. According to RTE

Too slow kid.

Those blood clot concerns seem to have disappeared…

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Game changer

We’ll be in Croker yet