Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I think that’s incorrect but I’ll have to check later on.

Well I’ve been calling it out for months now. I highlighted it consistently back in March and April that supply was no longer the constraint.

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Up until the system went down Ireland were consistently getting around 20% more Pfizer than Belgium per capita. Unless this changed since the hack then we don’t know.

Looked more like 1.1m in the fridge to me. But that does include the two recent deliveries.

54% of people here have had one shot and 42% both shots. But there isn’t big progress at the moment especially with the older groups. A million shots less sent out this week because people are not signing up. That’s a worry.

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Just home after a round of golf not a twinge in my arm this time around I’m 24 hours after it so hopefully in the clear now

The 9003930 isn’t an official figure from Belgium.

Belgium appear to be using some fancy syringe which allows them to get more doses from a vial.

The official figures for Belgium are:









You’re getting 1.5million because you’re out by 1.1 million on your Pfizer number.

Why don’t we have fancy syringes?

i had the same with the first jab, felt like id dislocated me shoulder

I’m after taking turn there in the last hour. Light headed and stomach not great.

Have to run an u7 blitz in 2 hours. This could be hell.


Jab 1 or 2?

1st one, Moderna.
My wife the same. Felt unwell about an hour before me.

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Most of my pals in Limerick got Moderna and weren’t great for a few days after each jab.

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Romania are selling off their vaccine supply because they have such a poor uptake.

I was the same. Cleared quick enough but the second jab was a good bit worse

I wonder what the crossover between anti vax and anti lockdown is?

My god, you are playing a fucking blinder here. :clap:

No fear they’d pass on unwanted vaccines to 2nd & 3rd world countries

Who? Ireland? We’re actively looking to buy more if we can get them.

Remember the posters here going bananas a fee months ago, wanting Martin to ask the US for vaccines on st Patrick’s Day and other such embarrassing nonsense. The public here are greedy, they want their vaccines now and they’ll look after poor countries later.

Every country is like that in fairness. Get their own vaccinated first.