Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Yeah I agree June was poor and there are too many in the fridge. I just like to stick to the reality, April and May were strong months. They have underperformed in June. There isn’t enough accountability for when this happens, the J&J thing was wheeled out in early June when it wasn’t relevant for a month at that point. When we talk about previous targets and rates, we always had to adjust to both supply and guidance, that’s why focusing on graphs from March is unrealistic. The reality is in May that we knew J&J had both restricted supply and restricted use, but they said the extra Pfizer meant it wasn’t as big a deal. A couple of weeks later they changed tact and acted like it was a shock, when it wasn’t.

I prefer to focus on what they can control. Last week they got 317k Pfizer in and delivered just 80k of them as first doses. The week before they got 252k doses and just 74k went out as first doses. The week previous to that they managed to get close to the 50%, with 124k of the 251k delivered given out. If we take those last two weeks, based on their own strategy they were 125k doses below what they should have been- that’s 3.33% of the adult population. In my view they should have been pushing the envelope and getting 200k first doses out of Pfizer so they could get close to the 80% and I thought that going by their confidence of being on track that it is what they would do.

The decline appears to be because they started to give more AZ second doses out in vaccination centres, why didn’t they just send those people to the pharmacies where they had capacity because they were doing so few of the J&J they had planned?


I’d agree with a lot of that.

I just like them to be held to their commitments. They said 2m in July, they have the supply for it but they’re not going to get it.

Citing a supply is an outright lie and they should come out and say they mucked it up, be honest with the people for once on the whole thing.

I don’t think 2.33 applies for Pfizer and Janssen based on recent deliveries

On a broad perspective the Pfizer figure was 2.07 for a lot of it so the Pfizer figure is probably more than I have there.

The J&J figure (177k) probably doesn’t include the latest delivery which Belgium recorded on Saturday of 28k.

@Copper_pipe what date are we using as the cut off point to judge how much they missed the 82% first dose target? Was it yesterday or this Sunday?

For Q3 the factor should be 2.13 I think. we’ll know next week when the first deliveries of July get delivered.

Also are you taking into account that Belgium got Q4 stock in the last few weeks of Q2 and Ireland didn’t?


Sunday I’d say going on what they’ve worked towards previously.

That seems fair. How are we doing against the European average at this stage? Or is it possible to know after the hack?

Fairly good i think. We’ve fallen way behind here.

How many people won’t take a vaccine?

Nope. What are we talking about here, 200k or so?

Take up in Ireland is massive. They can’t give them away in lots of countries and some countries are looking at incentives to get people to take them up.

You would say it would stand to us come winter when countries with lower vaccination rates get hit with another wave, but we will will probably close everything anyway just to be on the safe side.


0.5m doses behind the Belgians per capita anyway.

765630 doses I think.

So if I take that figure off the Pfizer Belgium number and revise the divisor to 2.13 for Pfizer it would be more or less accurate?


That actually increases the Irish figure?


2.13 not in play yet. There hasn’t been a July delivery.

What was in play before the July deliveries though?

Ireland were definitely getting significantly more Pfizer than Belgium than 2.33 devisor for most of March and April.

This is what I had up until around the end of April.


So there are nearly 1.5 million vaccines in the fridge? Am I reading that right?

Looks that way.

Supply is the issue remember though.

That’s shocking