Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

What the fuck are the pharmacists giving out about ffs. They are about to make a small fortune :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Doctors getting €35 a jab. If they are only getting €20 even, it’s some coin. That’s why your doctors are ringing ye by the way lads, it’s not because they care about ye :smiley:


So it’s 70 quid for every person they fully vaccinate?


Doctors will be buying up property at an awful rate next year

About 750 pharmacies signed up.

I’d open wan up myself if I could.

100 patients a week, at ten patients an hour, so 10 hours. €2k. Cash money fresh

433k in the 18-24 group according to the ECDC

I suppose Boots would be more likely to have their shit together rather than independent pharmacies?

Click on the option for Pfizer just above the video.

On the next screen select the option that isn’t Pfizer.


Follow the sequence then, you may get lucky.


Boots (not sure if others do)do the flu jab for some companies
Book a slot and call to chemist
So I’d say they would be well able

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I suppose the length of the Irish lockdown (or restrictions) will encourage massive take up now.

Or the threat of sitting on your own at the side of the street having a pint in November

My two 18 and 23 are getting J&J in a pharmacy in town next Friday registered this morning


It’s a bit sad that it took NPHET predicting Armageddon to really kick start the vaccine rollout for the younger cohort.

This could have been started months ago and we’d be much further down the line with vaccination rates.


Spot on.

The only need to do 66 dose a week each to hit the 50000 a week target. Easily done not even 10 a day to hit that

Any clarity on this? Shite really. A shot of this would he the job, away you go then.

Well they are already eligible for a vaccine and should be registered for a long period at this stage. I think it’s fair that those who haven’t had a chance can register for this one.

And in theory they’ll nearly have to do double that, as its 5/6 doses per vial

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How would they know that?

Sure the Delta variant is not even around 8 months.

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