Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

How does it do on the delta plus variant.

That one was found today

Boris going full steam ahead for the 19th by all accounts it must be a different Delta variant we have

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No coincidence that Luke, who is independently wealthy, is positive and OUITF, while the other wonks dependent on donations of funding are desperate to doom monger and drag out their fifteen minutes of fame.

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Boots are beginning to cancel appointments.

I’d only get the J&J if I was a young fella at the bottom of the list. You may as well hold out for the good stuff at this stage. You’ll end up having to go back and get the good stuff at some stage otherwise

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It’s effective against the Delta variant even if you’ve been jabbed 8 months ago.

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Ah come on. Don’t shake my confidence in you as the foremost authority on the vaccine roll out

But you’re considered fully vaccinated and can expedite your freedom pass.

When did they do extensive trials for this?

Read it again.
There are ongoing concerns about how long the antibodies generated by the vaccine will last.

This study says that 8 months after being inoculated, you are still protected, even from the Delta strain.

4 in an hour 15 mins between person including paperwork and the wait time for 1 adminster

Luke has had s great pandemic both financially and publicly. He’s been OIUTF since the vaccines were announced. Always positive that vaccine will work

There is no lockdown, people are rolling up their sleeves to go drinking pints from glasses indoors

But the Delta variant is only here for three to four months. How would they have carried out extensive testing to prove its effective?

Did they just try two guys and say it’s grand.

Not sure what I’ll do yet…


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Look, you can call that tune but if your 18 year old son or daughter takes a vaccine that’s rushed out and damages their health we’re worse off.

Lads need to relax, 2023 isn’t that far away. We’re half way there.

Ministers being prepared for a meeting is cause for praise …this is where we’re at…

I should look for my donation back for his post.

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I meant the length of the restrictions dumbass