Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Is the missus recovered? I’ve heard of a few people feeling rough after Moderna

Ya she’s still getting the odd wave of it but I’m much worse. A bit of tinnitus as well.

Aztra Zenica is the rolls Royce of vaccines, no matter what the likes of that French cunt macron says

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You would probably be better off having Covid.

I wonder is there a different attitude to the vaccine the further east you go?

Our next door neighbours are French (him) and Moldovan (her). He got his yesterday but she told the Mrs she hasn’t registered yet and isn’t sure if she will.

This is brilliant. I would have been an advocate for the 18-30 year olds getting it before the 30-50 year olds. Hopefully it’ll mean your daughter will have a proper college experience next year.


Eastern Europeans are hardy fuckers, they wouldn’t be worried about a bit of a flu.

They don’t drone on incessantly like you either thankfully.

They’ll be tearing back into the vaccinations in Limerick and Dublin tomorrow after taking a break for the horse racing and rugby.

How’s the arm?

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Pharmacy’s are stepping stepping up if they get the supply


Just got my second jab. Sat down for one minute at registration, no queue and I would say 90secs tops for the jab. Efficiency is too long a word for how quick that took. I reckon I won’t be charged in the car park.



Are they expecting 200k J&J jabs to be received in July? Or are they expecting to have total of 200k J&J vaccines to use by the end of July?

I think the reports last week said they had about 140k in stock so are they expecting another 200k on top of that or just another 60k?

The reports seems quite confusing on it as it’s said 200k doses are set to be given out in July. Surely they can do more if the supply is there?

I heard the army are running logistics of the vaccination centres.

Whoever is doing it has done an amazing job. I’ve never seen a better system in this country.

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153k into Belgium on July 1st but looks like we got just 30k. Total received - 207k, 72k admined. Seems to be a bit all over the shop.

I’d assume we’ll get another delivery this month.

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So it’s probably just an additional 60k or so this month?

205k doses of Janssen available and 100k doses of AZ available for July as per Donnelly on Friday.

So based on current stock levels the delivery will be 60k or thereabouts.

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